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Robert V802

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    New York NY

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  1. You are off to a great start. Have this kit sitting in front of me now and thinking I might need to put the Gulnara aside for a while !
  2. Hey - Thank you for the info. The bow was giving me a bad feeling but with some advice and the pics from Thanasis' friend, it is so much clearer. Again - thank you both 1 Robert
  3. Had a whole day alone yesterday to work, talk about luck ! Bulwarks are done but I have a couple of questions. First, are the red inner bulwarks continued right up to the bowsprit or do they stop at the front bulkhead ? I can not tell from the pics. Second, did you use the precut plywood railing atop the bulwarks or scratch it. My curve at the top of the bulwark seems a little too curvy and the plywood to stiff. Can one soak ply like solid wood ? Third, those "clamps" that go from the top rail to the wale - how does one go about setting up the spacing so it all fits. Instructions show these clamps installed in step "V" but the top rail in put on in step "F" Any ideas ? Anyway - here are some new pics:
  4. Nice work, Neighbor. I build down in Catskill. l'm just starting the same kit, hope to look as good as yours ! Robert
  5. Thanks for the encouragement, guys. Now, onto the bulwarks !
  6. Well, finished planking the lower hull. I am happy - done much worse.
  7. Nice work so far ! I will follow along as this looks like an interesting kit to consider. Enjoy ! Robert
  8. Thanasis - thank you for the info and the pic. I have cut a 10 mm wide garboard plank and will start from the keel and go up a few planks. Since I plan on painting the hull anyway, I thought to use some drops or stealers.
  9. Question - With a bluff bow, how does one stop the clinker hull effect ? After 5 planks down from the deck, the problem is here. I have noticed on some bluff bow models it appears that 5 or 6 planks are almost horizontal from the deck down and then it appears that remainder of the planks go from the keel up and run almost vertical at the bow. Will this help ?
  10. All are welcome and please, if you have a better idea, please tell me. I am now old enough to know that I hardly know anything. Robert
  11. I have been avidly reading everything on the site and decided to join the fun. Working on a galiot and got as far as the first hull plank before a snag. Luckily, help was right there - thank you, Thanasis and Jean-Pierre ! Progress up to now -
  12. Thank you for the insight, Jean-Pierre. I have adjusted the lay of that first plank to flatten it a bit more. I am going to move over to the kit build section and continue there.
  13. Thank you for the info. Ya gotta love the instructions " Plank like this picture " ! Robert
  14. Morning all - Started working on the Greek Galiot and I have a question. All the tutorials on hull planking say to let the wood lie naturally but this ship has a wildly up curving bow that forms a defensive wall. There was a build log on the old site but we all know the tragedy that happened. So, if anyone has built this model and can offer guidance or any ideas, that would be most welcome. Will post some pics when I figure out how. Robert
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