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About nelson58

  • Birthday 11/16/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
  • Interests
    model building: ships, model railroading
    amateur photographer, weight lifting and reading

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  1. I have been considering getting this book so I can model the framework in 1/96th scale for a diorama on a model railroad. But I am thinking it might be too long for what I need. Can you tell me the keel to keel length in 1/96"? I am guessing it is about 30".
  2. Thanks Allen, that is very good of you. I will re-imburse the postage of course. thank you. Tony pm to follow.
  3. Clay, this build looks fantastic. I have bookmarked your page a while back and check in from time to time. I also have the books, and want to do this one day. Si I will closely follow along. I only have one problem, Sea Wach Books won't send me a replacement CD for the frames from Volume one. I went to open the CD up and it was blank. They said they would send another CD, but that was a month ago. Still no luck. Still, I am hopeful one day I will get a replacement. Tony Burgess
  4. Neale, I just happen to find your link in a search, seen almost all your pics on Facebook first. Quite a project. And 8 weeks???? Wow, I have a way to go on mine before I will get where your at, but then I am doing other models too. Great job, I will be following along. Tony Burgess
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