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Sir Blue Henry

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About Sir Blue Henry

  • Birthday 06/14/1967

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  • Location
    Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Plastic Model Building
    Chaos Theroy

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  1. One of the decisions I have to make - which has also slowed down the process is the following. Do i fix the desk permanently, and only allow access belowdecks via the smallish access areas as provided for in the plans (which is very limiting and certainly never allows for anything meaningful to be done regarding major work on the inside of the hull - which may never be required?) or do i make the deck removable which will leave inevitable gaps etc etc Leaning strongly towards fixing the deck as it should be and be positive that nothing will need to be done belowdecks once complete. Thoughts?
  2. Hi again Cant believe how 2 years can fly by I have been busy on various model projects - but mostly the last year has been taken up by my little boy arriving on the scene. He is now 13 months and a lovely cheerful (most of the time) fellow. I have no intentions of getting to the Triton for the next 2 years or so - but by no means do i want to abandon it. I do feel it was a pity that i couldnt keep the progress going but thats life, marriage and children ... I have to get my Stern Trawler done first and that will take a bit of time. My intentions with the Triton - display it in my model building room - or even in the lounge - in a strong and safe cabinet - which would be pretty huge. Yes i want to do all the rigging and not skimp an any aspects - except for 1 - which was why i was doing POB below deckline and POF above. I wanted to save on a large amount of time by simply being able to get the lower half of the Hull done without having to do frames - and i was not going to do cutaway - so you would never see. The attachment of Frames above deckline to the bulkheads below deckline was going to be an interesting part of the build - but not too difficult. It would just involve adding a few bits of strengthening crossmembers at various points as needed - one the hull was planked, by which time it would be incredibly strong already. I need to look through the builds and see who has completed a Triton in the last 6 years or so
  3. Oh - and in the meantime have come to realise that the hull will definitely need a full fibreglassing on the outside, there is just no way id wanting to be facing the repair of any accidental damage or water damage. I originally did want to be able to see the planking - but tough luck. I have in the meantime got pretty good at working with fiberglass and resin - which is a big help!
  4. Well. I vastly overestimated how much time is left over when you have a new baby in the house. 2015 has flown by. My son is now 13 months old and maybe - just maybe - the Shirley-Ann can start getting attention. I spent a bit of time this past weekend fixing cracks and damage in the hull of my Victoria steamboat (not built by me) and hope to have it sailing in a couple of weeks (just to get the feeling back and then lets see about getting some slow progress on the Trawler. Sir Blue Henry
  5. I did these card mockups of the wheelhouse and the deck some time ago. time to do a 2nd proptotype. The next major piece of work is getting the deck shape finalised and then planked, so that I can continue planking the hull
  6. Hi Patrick, yes I will be doing the whole 9 yards on this model. since I have done so much work on the planking - the deck details are minor by comparison. It will have crew members and a few extra details.
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