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Posts posted by Andre

  1. The bow section was broken off earlier, so I decided to use pins to strengthen the attachment of the bow frame.

    Also the bow section was painted, and I added small parts (painted white) as I had seen more details in the Stockholm model than was provided for in the kit.


    After seeing examples in other build logs of the Wasa, I decided to add doors and steps to the bow section (thanks to md1400cs).


    Next will be to drilling of the holes for the canons on the upper deck, and hiding the red color of the inside of the hull on the upper deck by planking it with very thin unpainted wood.





  2. I decided to try to use the color scheme of the model in the Vasa Museum in Stockholm as guidance. Thus, I would not use blue as color but red for the upper part of the planking otgether with yellow linings and colored figures.

    The high details of the painting of the figures is beyond my capabilities and I thus decided to try to come as close as possible for the larger figures of the bow and stern section, but to paint the smaller figures (on the bobinettes etc) at my own interpretation.







  3. I removed a large part of the planking at the bow section. The 'left' side I tried to reshape using a filler, but that turned out to be not that smart as the final planking did not glue well to the dried filler. Therefore, I choose the remove a larger part of the 'right' side of the bow section and also replace the first planking part.

  4. I am very glad to have found this website with, luckily for me, many build logs on the Wasa from Corel. I will use many of the tips and pictures posted in these logs for my guidance and as a example of what gifted modelbuilders can achieve.


    I have bought a 'used' model of the Wasa about a year ago for a low price. It was in a very bad shape and the modelbuilder (not the person from which I have bought the model) did some things really well, but other parts were absolutely desastrous. Also it had suffered from neglect and the masts were broken off.

    When I saw the model as it was at the time it became clear to me that I first had to do a lot of demolishing and then try to rebuild parts of it. Most notably was the bow section as it appeared that the previous builder had had problems with bending the wooden strips for planking that part of the hull.


    First some pictures of the model as it was 'before restoration':





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