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About drgregoire

  • Birthday 09/26/1950

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Warminster, Pa.
  • Interests
    -have built and sold Harold Hahn models since the 80's.
    -retired the end of September 2015 and between the wife, grandkids, Harley and modeling projects planned...will be happily busy 'til I die

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  1. Dave this is absolutely an excellent build-log and the finished model is fantastic!! I really admire what you have accomplished...so much so that I visited the Lauck Street Shipyard site and found that Bob's kits are priced @ $600.00!!! Whoa...way to much for this retiree. I parted with my Lauck 'Kingfisher' retirement kit to a fellow site member a while back, but remember that Bob's kit included a fantastic set of plans that a scratch builder could duplicate every piece of the kit with. Does the 'Patrick Henry' kit also include a good set of plans similar to Bob's 'Kingfisher'? If it does...I would be very interested in buying the plan set you are done with. I have the tools,wood,skill and tons of time to do a scratch build if I can manage to get a good plan set. I will enjoy watching your Fair American build as it progresses. Dave
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