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Everything posted by bebopsteve

  1. The painting on the metal looks great! What kind of paint are you using? Thanks!
  2. I used the walnut there. I might be able to find some scraps to complete it. So close lol. Like one strip off!
  3. Man What a disappointment. My Fifie kit was lacking enough 1x4mm deck planking to finish. Anybody else have this problem?
  4. Thanks! I am going to copy you and do the same. I love your take on this build! I should be paying you!
  5. Looks Awesome! The trim going around the super structure.. What size is that? I didn't notice it in plans. Thank you!
  6. Looks Great! Did you hand brush hull with acrylic? I am doing the timberheads just like you did and Love the results! Lol I am actually referring to Your pictures more than the actual instructions!!! Thanks!!!
  7. Thanks! I am also doing a single layer of hull planking too. I will cut the walnut as well. Great tip! Thanks And Happy New Year!!
  8. I have a question! The spacers you used between the timberheads. Did you use extra you had or trim the kit supplied wood? Thanks!!
  9. Excellent work!! I ordered the Fifie a few days ago and looking forward to the build! I am getting some great ideas and tips from your build, so thank you for posting the great pictures! Now I have a mentor for my build!!!
  10. Pictures are a bit fuzzy. I will post better ones in the next day or so. Thanks! Steve
  11. I finally got time! Here are a few pics of my Endeavor build! Hope everyone is having a good 2017..Chuck, sorry about them Chargers!
  12. Hi Lacy, Thanks! some pics would be cool! I am currently working on 2nd layer on Endeavour. Here is a lousy picture. The siren rope is outstanding as well as the blocks. Chuck S.! What are You working on? Go Hawks!!
  13. Here is Endeavour so far. Just started the 2nd layer of planking. Not easy!
  14. I am gonna get HMS Endeavour build log started in a few days I hope. Fun build so far!
  15. The rattlesnake is on the shelf for now.. Endeavour is so far fun, but I haven't started the hull planking yet. (one plank at a time) lol. Because The Philly was my first real build, I like the larger scale models.
  16. An open question, Endeavour has 3 decks. Instructions say to attach the decks, then plank.. Would it be better to plank then attach? It seems that it would not matter.. Any advice?
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