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About rjt

  • Birthday 11/22/1948

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oxfordshire (UK)
  • Interests
    sailing, model making, and others too numerous to mention!!
  1. I'm a bit confused

  2. Hi and you are doing a nice job considering the almost total lack of any use-able instructions. Congratulations on your determined approach (I would have thrown the towel in long ago, and would not touch a Billings kit now . However it may be helpful for you to look at the photographs on this website http://www.nationalhistoricships.org.uk/register/234/will I know they are fairly modern but it would give you a good idea of the answers you need. Particularly re. the davits etc.around the stern, note also the chain linkage from the steering gear to the rudder stock. Meanwhile all the best, keep plugging steadily away and remember, it is a hobby not a race. Stay well and enjoy the journey. Kind regards from Rob in Oxfordshire (UK)
  3. If I remember correctly (and it was about 1963, so bear with me on this) when I was at school in Gibraltar we always recognised Trafalgar Day. Mind you it was a 'Naval & Dockyard School' and the locals on 'the rock' were fiercely pro British ...... probably still are....thanks for jogging my memory. Pity England only 'Expects' and does not 'Require' Rob (Oxford UK)
  4. Looking good Rusty, I lost all my MSW stuff (downloads etc. that is) after the the big crash + my own sytem had a 'melt-down'. So now it's back to 'square one' for me. I'm hoping to make a start on the Englsh Pinnace kit soon, it arrived in the mail a couple of days ago. All the best, Rob (UK)
  5. Aha, problem solved......found it.....(Pau Marfim) a major typo
  6. this may be a slly question, but what is Par Marfin please? I have tried to 'Google it' without succes. regards, Rob (Oxfordshire UK)
  7. Hi, I notice you are in Europe. Why not go for a Proxxon like I did. Saw it demo'd at a show in UK. It will cut as tight as you will ever need. Shipping cost will be less (than anything from USA), ample quick easy suport / backup (ditto) and if weight is a BIG issue go for a jewellers fretsaw....not as fast, not as heavy but cheapest by far! All the best Rob (Nr Oxford UK)
  8. What happened to MSW? Been away for a while and had to re- register in order to be able to login.

    1. rjt


      OK, got the situation sorted, Managed to get back in and now trying not to 'bunder in' .

      Need to read the 'rules'. Things are very new (beter) this time around



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