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About FrankG

  • Birthday 01/18/1955

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    Worcester, UK
  • Interests
    Good Food and Good Wine
    Steam traction engines

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  1. Hi Janet, What a good looking ship - well done. You say its a kit from A-Latina, but that you have had a lemon wood log ripped down to manageable sizes - does that mean you have replaced the timber that was in the kit?
  2. I've finally got the bulwarks in place, but I'm not at all happy with the fit. They meet at the bow ok, but there is a very large gap at the stern. Try as I might, I just couldn't force the wood round, while twisting it at the same time. In fact, I have caused slight damage to the deck planking in my efforts to do so. I finally succeeded in getting them on by using map pins to keep them in contact with the deck while the glue set. After PM'ing someone who has also built the Palamos - and who had the same problem - I decided to get them on and afterwards try and fill the gap with a piece of wood. The outside of the stern bulwark is to be planked, so the extra panel will be covered. The inside however has planking which had to be attached before gluing the bulwarks in place, so I will have to try and somehow plank the added bit to try and blend it in. I don't know if this is going to throw other components out, but I can't see any other way around it. Not pleased with the situation, but I'm going to soldier on rather than abandon the project. I'll get some pictures uploaded tonight.
  3. Thanks JPett and Mark - that was a good tip. I found what I was looking for and have cobbled together an excellent guide to painting, primers and which paints to use. It is aimed primarily at plastic models, but gives a good basic intro. Link: http://www.scalemodelguide.com/category/painting-weathering/painting-guide/
  4. Hi Brian, Yes, the instructions did call for putting the planking on first, though my thoughts would have been to put it on after. As this is my first kit, I'm not going to deviate from the instructions unless I have to! Having said that........ The bulwarks are as difficult as I imagined - they have to curve round and twist out at the end. Moving in two planes so to speak. The instructions say to glue the bulwarks in place and then bend and twist them round and glue them at the bow and stern. Now there is no way that they are not going to spring out if I did that. So I thought that pre bending them would make the process a little easier.
  5. Some pictures of my limited progress so far: Frames all glued up square Deck planked Bow and stern support pieces in place Deck glued to frame Now the dreaded bending of the bulwarks! I had cut out a former to the shape of the deck and after dampening the bulwark clamped it on. As I feared, some of the planking started to lift. I will have to reglue it later. This picture isn't brilliant! I was trying to show the bend in the bulwark. The bulwark isnt the correct shape yet, so I soaked it again for a few minutes and have clamped it up again. I'm going to leave it overnight and see what shape it is tomorrow.
  6. Hi Sygreen. Just been reading your build log. Your ship seems to be taking shape nicely, well done. I think I'm a couple of builds off building something like that! However, I've been able to make a start. I've built up the frame and planked the deck and I'm now at the stage I've been dreading. I have to bend and twist the bulwarks and glue them in place, but first they have to be lined with planking. I'm concerned that wetting them before bending and twisting will loosen the glue. We'll see what happens. I'll post a few pictures when I get home.
  7. Thanks for the Posts. My apologies, but I'm looking for "How to paint" rather than what paints people use or where to buy them from. Sorry for not making that clear. I need instruction on the basics - model preparation, when to use a sealer, when to use a primer, the methodology involved in getting a good finish, how to weather a ship so it looks more natural etc etc I've had a look on Amazon to see if there are any books on the subject, but can't see anything. I'm going to check out YouTube tonight. I've never completed a wooden model before, and therefore have never painted one, so I really need instruction on the basics of Painting. Thanks Guys
  8. Thanks Jpett. I am really surprised that watercolours would be used in model painting. I always thought they would be too weak and washy-washy! Just shows what I know! I read through your log and your ship looks great. Thanks
  9. Hi, As the title says, I'm looking for a tutorial on Painting. I'm a complete beginner, never built a wooden model before, so have no idea about preparation, paint choice, application, techniques and tips, etc etc. You could say I'm looking for a Painting Primer! Thanks
  10. Hi, I've took the plunge and started! Being as this is my first build, I'm a bit nervous at displaying my lack of skill, but I think these build logs are very interesting. I'm hoping mine will be as well - even if only to serve as a warning to others! I read the guide on here about kit selection, as there are so many to choose from I was getting a bit over-whelmed by it all. The advice seemed very sensible, so I went with one of the suggestions and went for the Palamos by OcCre. It seems that there are no build logs for this ship at the moment, so hopefully, mine will be the first. I went with the fishing vessel as my first choice, mainly because I've spent many holidays around the Meditteranean day-dreaming about boats like this. That, and the fact that the ship seems a straight forward build! I bought the kit from CMB, and it was delivered very promptly. Tonight I unpacked it and checked that everything was all in order. I was struck by the quality of the components and I'm pleased with my choice. Right, I need to buy glue and a few basic tools, and then I get started! A few pics of the kit
  11. Noobie question: I've just bought the OcCre Palamos and have been reading through the instructions. As regards glue, it recommends 'cobblers' glue for sticking veneers such as deck planking etc. I would interpret cobblers glue as a contact adhesive, such as Evo-Stick. Is that correct? Many thanks
  12. Hi, I am very raw beginner. I read the 'kit selection' article in the resource section. It made a lot of sense and following advice there I made my choice. I recommend you read it and follow the advice given. It's always an individuals own choice, but my view is that early sucesses breed confidence, so I am going to attempt 'easier' models to start with and work up to more 'interesting' models later. The alternative is to jump in with an advanced model, get dissalusioned with it when it's beyond me and therefore leaving the hobby. Save the Scotland till you feel more confident!
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