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Everything posted by giantdog

  1. It's certainly had me scratching my head all right. Did you find that the inner deck bulkheads don't come anywhere near the underside of the false deck?
  2. Currently rigging up my stainless steel fish steamer and wall paper steam stripper combo. In readiness for bending.
  3. Yes, I was looking at the last night. I think I've got it. Heavy emphasis on 'think I've got it'
  4. one of the issues is that bulkhead 6 or the port side seems to have a 2mm gap. This is before any fairing. The keel is straight and the inner deck fits fine. The starboard side seems fine. I've measured and there is indeed 2mm more on the port side. Looks like shim it is?
  5. I seem to spending a lot of time thinking at the moment, planking haunts me lol. I'm reading reading and reading and reading, some is going in and some isn't. Fairing is next But How do you fair to the line of where the planks will lie without marking where the planks will lie, if that makes any sense?
  6. Stern part two. I've decided to fit the replacement rear bulkhead and add new balsa in-fills. I've started to rough them down and will finalise when I do the fairing. Not much progress as I've been away.
  7. What a great point well made Themadchemist, it really is an honour being here. Grimber, I've made a replacement bulkhead out of the off cut ply that the original was cut out of. I may glue that in place. leave it off and use the hole lift in the parts board to mark my pattern on the balsa. I sleep on it. But thank you all so much for taking the time to look and read my log.
  8. What a great idea Themadchemist, I'll certainly have a go at making some. I'm not too sure what went wrong with rear bulkhead but as my dear old Dad used to say 'a man who never mad a mistake never made anything'. With that in mind I find sometimes it's easier to get something right in the first place rather than trying to put it right, if that makes sense. I notice on the other build logs, the builds do not seem to have the rear bulkhead at all? Sooo I've decided to start the stern end again. Chop the fillers and rear bulkhead out. and sand down. Just deciding whether to make a replacement bulkhead or just use balsa filler.
  9. No, I only started fairing when the balsa fills where fitted and I've used sand paper wrapped around a drum stick to sand. What I'm finding is that lining the straight sanding stick through seems to be taking lots off the rear bulkhead? To get full contact of planking on bulkhead looks like it'll take lots of bulkhead away?
  10. Quick question. The stern blockhead. I've added the balsa filler blocks and started sanding. I've started to feather the block head to line through to the second rearmost bulk head (on the right as you look at the photo). Is this the way to go? Keep fairing until the balsa fill is flush? started this side. Not touched this side yet (apart from roughing out) Thank you very much for any advice you can give, it really is greatly appreciated
  11. CA? Is that like super glue? I'm using this stuff. Not done much today as busy at work so just put the inner decks ends on (I'm almost certain they're not called that).
  12. I did use an eraser, you should have seen it after just one rub of the sand paper. Black as coal. I couldn't believe it. I used a small diamond file in the end and in fairness it does look worse on the photographs. I'm enjoying the thinking as much if not more than the actual doing. I've already started looking at bits on this kit I don't like and intend to change and already started dreaming of the next build.
  13. I'm unsure whether it's worth the bother? I think the aft section looks better or at least as good. As I say, on that section I simple used the point of a pair of dividers to create a hole and spun my pencil in this hole as a boy scout would try and start a fire. This left a black dot .
  14. Thank you again for you encouragement Treenails... in the fore deck (the one on the right in the picture) I drilled a series of 0.3mm holes, then inserted 0.3mm pencil lead and broke it off flush. I then made the fatal error of sanding the deck surface with 800 grade paper, and you guessed it, the lead rubbed off and stained the deck. Aaaarrrggghhhh I removed as much as I could, but in the end decided 'it'll look like a dirty, distressed look' You live and learn right? The aft deck, I simply used a pair of dividers to create 'a indentation' and then used pencil lead to colour the indentation in. The finish is COLRON refined Danish Oil (antique pine). I wanted something that soaked into the wood as opposed to a varnish 'sitting' on the surface. The thread is just normal sowing thread, not quite as thin as cotton. All seemed like a good idea at the time. :-)
  15. it has to be said. I lurve this hobby. I'm not very good. but I do enjoy it.
  16. Put some Danish oil on tonight. What do you think? In progress. Testing testing Voila
  17. yes or no? Did it work? Not stained/treated and not cleaned/sanded etc. I've decided only to 'nail' over bulkheads, what do you think?
  18. Re the bulkhead question, this is what I'm wondering about : I understand what you're saying about sanding the false keel to a knife edge at the bow and that that will bring the bulkhead in. I'm just wondering whether that'll be enough.
  19. Thank you so much for your advice so far, please please keep it coming. The step you're looking at locates the false deck, there is one at the stern too. They actually seem to not only line the false keel and deck but also 'force' the false deck into it's longitudinal curve. If you look at the false deck in this picture you'll notice a rectangular hole fore and aft (get me with my nautical terms). These are where the 'pegs' locate. I purposely sanded the balsa low to 'keep it out of the way', in hindsight probably a mistake.
  20. I thought, to scale the longest boards would be 5m so didn't put lateral joints in. I may re think this as I think a few joints would be good. Whether I score and draw these in, start again, or cut some joints in at this point I'm not sure.
  21. While I think about faring the bulkheads I've made a start on the lower decks, as I think it will be easier to get the lines when the false deck is on? Does this sound reasonable? Talking of lines, again I could be barking up entirely the wrong tree but...I didn't like the way using pencil on the edge of the deck planks looked soo I decided to use cotton. Please see photos. I'm not sure if this is a.) called chalking b.) will work and c.) will look ok. But seeing as it's my first build I thought I'd have a play. What do you guys think? I've pinned the inner deck down to save having to wrestle with it, then pinned a length of black cotton to follow the line I'd previously marked and then glued the first plank in place. Then simply repeated with fingers crossed and tongue sticking out of the corner of my mouth.
  22. First questions. Bulkhead number 1. The instructions say it should be flush with the top of the frame, but that makes it not extended fully to the keel area. Please see photos. My questions are : Do I simply blend the fill pieces and not worry about attaching the planks to bulkhead. or Take the fills down to the bulkhead and glue a 'shim' to it to fill it out? In fairness the fill blocks are only roughed down, but if you look at the bow edge of no1 bulkhead just reaches the keel but the stern edge doesn't.
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