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  1. I agree with the gulf coast scow schooner as well as the salmon troller as long as it’s a double ender.
  2. The proportions look off and it appears stubby. Compare the picture on WRM’s website with John Earl’s model. https://www.wye-river-models.com/buy-boat.html http://modelboatyard.com/buyboat.html Yes, no two look alike as seen on this page of Ray Rodgers’ plans. Still…. https://www.deltavillemuseum.com/store/Ray-Rodgers-Drawings-c123469324
  3. Some of their models are quite realistic. I’ve built one (drake tail) and plan to build others. Check out MSW build logs before you buy and build a kit as some have a few issues, many of which are minor. I have the buy boat kit and started it but I’m either not going to finish it or will have to rework it. It’s dimensions make the model look weird. I also have the core sound sink netter kit and will modify it so the model looks more like actual boats. John Earl built a Chesapeake crab scraping boat based on Wye River’s plans and the resulting model looks very realistic. His build is illustrated on his website. http://modelboatyard.com/crab_scrape1.html
  4. I plan to start building this kit, which I acquired via eBay a couple years ago. I discovered the instructions booklet was missing. Does any member have a copy and would be willing to scan and email it to me? Thanks!
  5. Russ, I know masking an uneven surface can be difficult. Have you every tried Frogtape (the green masking tape)? Its supposed to give a sharp line.
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