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Posts posted by Canute

  1. If I may summarize: clean parts with extra fine steel wool (or Scotch-brite scrubbie), a half hour bath in vinegar, rinse off in acetone, dunk in blackener/browning solution for ? minutes and neutralize in baking soda for X minutes. Are these the concensus, esteemed crew?


    I'm drafting a buy and want to ensure I get all the goodies. Western NC is pretty thin for any kind of hobby shopping. Thanks in advance for your help.



  2. I'm considering several PoF ship's boats for my first build; both happen to be HMS Bounty boats. The kits are the MS Bounty Launch or the AL Bounty Jolly boat.  I picked these two based on scale - 1:16 or 1:25. The MS one is rated as Intermediate, the AL is beginner. I'm leaning toward the MS kit, if only based on the excellent instructions.


    I intend to run a build log and continue studying all the materials we have available on this board, especially the existing build logs. I am continually amazed at the information and willingness to share with this board.


    Your assitance is respectfully requested.



  3. Drug store (in the USA) reading glasses may be an inexpensive route. Purchase several different pairs, so you can swap out.


    Me? I use an Optivisor and or a magnifier/light, as required. Gluing teeny parts onto bigger parts calls for an "I'll try most anything, once" approach.



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