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Posts posted by Canute

  1. Banshee II is coming along nicely, Glen. Working in that scale is no longer an option for me. Arthritis in my hands.


    I got some of those ants in a load of mulch for the house. Nasty buggers, those fire ants. Took 3 trips from the exterminator to eliminate that Blankety-blank problem. They were heading down the hill towards the neighbors.

  2. That scene is well appreciated up here in the normally cool mountain of western North Carolina. We're high 80s/low 30sC today, other parts of the eastern US are well into the 90s/mid 30s. I spent the weekend in northern Alabama. where it was a juicy 96F/35C with high humidity, making for a very bad Heat Index.. The diorama looks great.

  3. Phil, we are here to help. 😄 The SLUF was the jet I wanted to fly after I got my pilot's wings. The AF chose another career path for me. 😉


    That model came loaded with weaponry in use in the late 60s/early 70s. Very nice. My Phantom had 4 Sparrow radar missiles and the nose mounted cannon. Pretty bare bones.


    Nice work on the antennas and sensors.

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