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    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the likes every one.
    A lot more done on the SR . The rails are now fitted and the columns painted gold. Next up the stern galleries. I glued them into the slots and lined them up and left them over night to dry . The curved peace was glued to the lower gallery and while that was drying I started on the windows on the stern. These were a bit boring to look at so I have added a door frame and painted the panels under the windows blue with gold trim.
    Next job will be finishing the rest of the galleries hopefully in the next couple of days 
    Thanks for looking 

  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thank you all for the likes and for looking in 
    A little more work done on the deck furniture 
    I have made the ladders and cat heads and painted the windows to the cabins 
    Next job fitting the capping rails to the top of the bulwarks 

  3. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the likes and for following .
     I have now finished fitting the cannons and rigging the in-hauls , yippee 
    The crew have been recruited and have turned up. The captain and first officer with two of the sailors have been painted but a few more to go so will post pics when completed.
    Next job fitting the rails to the upper side 
    See you later 

  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thank you all for the likes 
    I have finished fitting the the cross deck and the in-haul tackle, and my I say thank you to Henry and Jud for the information on the in-hauls . Next job doing it over again on the other side 
    Thanks for following, Martyn 

  5. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Oops sorry forgot to put the pictures on 

  6. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks you all for the comments and the support guys.
    A bit more work done on the SR .
     I have planked the beak and the keel as I didn't like the dark brown stain . Next job fitting the rudder. The pintails and hinges were gold plated but I didn't like the colour so have painted them a iron colour with a wash of brown then on to fitting the strakes down the side. I am really pleased on how this is turning out and have decided not too paint further down the hull as I think it looks ok 
    Thanks for following 

  7. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks guys 
    I am really having a bad time deciding how far to go down with the paint as I love the wood finish and if I paint it there will be no going back if I didn't like it time to ponder I think but thanks for the info EJ 
    From the very confused Martyn 
  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    May I say thank you for all the brilliant comments Guys and the likes 
    I have been scratching my head on how far down to paint the blue as there seems to be a lot of debate on where it stops? 
    So I have gone down to the top of the middle gun deck just to see what it looked like and I must admit I like it so have fitted the first whale. The instructions say just to butt up the joints but I have done them with scarfs as it looks a lot better.
    Thanks for following 

  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Hi all thanks for the likes and for looking in
    I have now finished the second planking and have sanded and put a clear silk varnish on the hull 
    Next job deciding how far to paint the blue down the side? 
    Thanks for looking Martyn 

  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for all the likes 
    More planking on the SR very slowly getting there and boy this is a beast to plank , but really pleased how it's going.
    Next job after that fitting the rubbing strakes.
    Thanks for looking rgd Martyn 

  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Hi all a bit more done on the SR 
    I have started planking the the lower hull and the first stealer has just gone in to help keep the planks in line. Looking at the way it's going I might need one more but we shall see 

  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks EJ and Greyhawk for the reply,s and likes 
    I am just starting to mark the hull with five mil lines to find out how many planks I need. And you know me Greyhawk I never follow the instructions lol plus the planking in the instructions are very simplified with lots of pointed droppers which I don't like 
    Another update soon. Martyn 
  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    A little more done on the planking, very slowly making my way down the side of the hull . Two more rows then starting planking from the bottom up still haven't had to put in any droppers yet. 

  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thank you very much for looking in and the comments EJ and Michael 
    A bit more done on the SR . I have lined the gunports on the middle deck the instructions say just to paint them which I did but didn't like the finish so decided to go down the lining route and I think it looks a lot better.
    I will post more pictures when I get further down the hull as watching planking is like watching paint dry lol 
    Cheers for following, Martyn 

  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the comments EJ and the likes.
    It,s nice to start the second planking on the SR . I have finished planking the stern and bow forecastle and have started planking the hull sides. 
    I have not followed the instructions and have placed the planks following the line of the gunports as hopefully I will not end up with to many droppers and steelers but we shall see.

  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the likes everyone 
    A little bit more done on the SR . She has been given a good sand and a little bit of filler and am really pleased how the first planking has turned out 
    I have now started the second planking on the stern and have covered the transom and stern chasers. As you can see I have trimmed one side just waiting for the other to dry 
    Thanks for following rgd Martyn 

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Hi all just a little update on the SR. 
    I have now finished the first planking on both sides, just letting it dry over night then on to giving it a good sanding ready for the second planking to begin. 
    Thanks for looking in 

  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Hi all thanks for the likes and following my build 
    A small update I have finished planking one side and started on the other, it's going to be a slow process as I have torn the tendon in my elbow so planking is a little painful but onwards and upwards. Can't wait to get it all closed up and give it a good sanding 

  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the comments EJ I will certainly keep an eye out for the planks starting to climb up as I might have to put in some droppers . The wood is very supple and bends easily so hopefully not but we will see
    Thanks again for the likes and comments 
    Rgd Martyn 
  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thank you for all the likes 
    A very small update on the SR . I have finished planking the upper hull and have now started on the lower planking.
     The garboard plank has been fitted and left to dry over night. The second one was butted up and glued to the first one, it's a bit of a slow process as that nasty four letter word gets in the way ie work so the time for building is limited at the moment. Can't wait for next week as I am on the early shift and get all the afternoon to build. As you can see there are gaps between the planks that end in a sharp point at the stern , not to worried about them as this is the first planking and will be filled with steelers. The second planking will be layed differently and hopefully no steelers or very few 
    Thanks for following rgd Martyn 

  21. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the likes and comments 
    Hi Antony the kit is very well made and the carvings are brilliant and well cast .
    As promised a few pictures of what I have been up to. The first planking is going on and to break it up I have built the ships boats. The largest launch I have included some carvings on the stern , not quite sure if they had them but I like them .
    More to come so thanks for looking 
    Rgd Martyn 

  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to BLACK VIKING in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Hi Sjors I will post some pics tomorrow but I have noticed you are building the Sovereign of the seas from Deag I built it as my first ship about four years ago 
    rgd Martyn 

  23. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to rafine in Halifax by rafine - FINISHED - The Lumberyard - 1:48 - semi-scratch schooner   
    Thanks so much Nigel. All your catching up is just a reminder as to how long you've been away. I love your work and appreciate your interest in mine.
  24. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Michael a thought springs to mind if you are going to scratchbuild a lantern.If you are going to make a globe shaped one,like this model is often depicted with,then a clear marble or glass crystal sphere would make an ideal base for attaching the frame to and it would act as the 'glazing'.
    Kind Regards
    P.S. Lotus Espirits utilised a Renault 25 transaxle
  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    Thank you  sincerley.
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