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  1. My hull is now virtually complete and I have no regrets that I decided to apply a fine glass cloth and a coat of resin. It goes without saying, that the planked hull had to be near perfect, before applying the cloth and resin, although I was able to rub down when the resin had cured, before applying 2 coats of primer (a further rub down) and 3 coats of spray Rustoleum paint (colour: deep blue) with a 600 grade wet and dry sanding before the final coat. The end result has made my jeans fit just a little tighter.
  2. A further question if I may Floyd. The instructions call for the deck planking to be applied after the side planking is complete, including those intricate looking 1mm thick handrail strips with lots of elongated holes in them. Firstly, I do not see how they are held in place and secondly, if they are fitted at this early stage of the build, they sure as hell will get damaged as the build progresses. Any thoughts that you may have would be appreciated, or the opinions of other NRG members that you know who may have built the Amati Endeavour. As you will see, I planked once and then glassed in a thin resin cloth. Thanks and regards. John
  3. Was this Endeavour kit ever completed, as the last posting seems to have been in November last year. I am building this kit now and although the hull planking was quite successful, I decided not to double plank it, but to apply a fine resin cloth and 3 coats of resin. Total weight was only 4 ounces, as I thinned the resin with denatured alcohol (methylated spirit) 50% and it went on like water. I would post a photograph, but I cannot find how to attach it to this message. I am now ready to plank the deck.
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