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About ferretmary1

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    Westmont, IL

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  1. The NRG publishes Shop Notes 1 and 2, which are full of tips and helpful information for beginners and experienced modelers alike.
  2. Kurt talked with a rep from the publisher's office today, but she didn't know if they were going to have a PDF version eventually or not. Of course sales of the PDF would not benefit the NRG or MSW, since those would be sold directly through the publisher, but if you buy one from them, then you could afford to donate a couple of bucks to MSW, too. 😉
  3. You're welcome, Chris. I'm glad you got your copy. We have them back in stock and I'm working night and day to get everyone's orders out! Back to work!
  4. We do have a few digital books in our webstore and we offer a digital subscription to the Journal, our 100 page, quarterly publication. To see a free copy of a digital Journal back issue, you can go to our website to check it out: (https://thenrg.org/journal) The digital Journal costs only $40 per year and a portion of your membership also helps support MSW Unfortunately, while we provided most of the articles for this Special Edition Handbook, we are not the publishers of this booklet, so we have no control whether they decide to produce a digital version of it or not. If they do, I suspect it won't be until demand for the print version dies down.
  5. Have a safe trip& make sure no-one steals your Handbook while you're in the bathroom!
  6. PS - I've noticed that the shipping for two of the handbooks is only about $1.50 more than the shipping for one. If you know someone else who wants one, pool your orders and save!
  7. The next batch came in! I will change the banner tomorrow, but anyone who is following this thread gets first dibs!
  8. We have another batch coming tomorrow or Friday. They will be back in the store as soon as we know they are on their way! And, yes, I am still at my desk filling orders from the batch that came in today!
  9. We don't own the intellectual rights to the magazine. You would have to ask Fine Scale Modeler if they will have it available as a PDF file in the future. As far as I know, they currently don't offer it in that format. I know that they offer some of their subscription magazines as PDFs, but since this is a one time offering, they might not plan to have a PDF available. If I hear anything, I will let you know.
  10. We went through the first batch of 100 in less than 8 hours and the second batch of 200 in less than 24 hours. Kurt just placed a third order of 200 today and I suspect we will have to order more after that. I have never seen a product sell so fast. My apologies to anyone who is trying to order one and has to go back on the waiting list!
  11. USPS is the closest. If I want to ship by UPS or FedEx, it would cost a lot more and they are 4 miles and 10 mile respectively from our office.
  12. You are very welcome. I do it for the members, not for the money, but the money doesn't hurt.
  13. The only problem with that is we couldn't sell them out of the US at that price. Even shipping to Canada costs $35 or more. I don't know if a tariff is included in that price or what. The magazine isn't that heavy. If you are an NRG member located in the US and use the discount code, the Handbook, with shipping runs around $19.50 - $19.77, so that's cheaper than $22.49. Mary
  14. PS - If you are an NRG member and don't know the discount code, you can contact me and I will give it to you. THIS IS FOR PAID NRG MEMBERS. Sorry MSW members.
  15. Just to clear the air, we are not producing the book ourselves, we are buying them wholesale from the company that prints them, so our profit margin is very slim on this item. We are sending them out by USPS Ground Advantage so the booklets can be tracked, and, as mentioned, we have to pay for envelopes, mailing labels and credit card fees. which takes up most of the shipping fee. A small portion also goes to pay me for processing the orders. I put in 40 - 50 hours a week working in the office. I can't afford to donate that much time, so the NRG does pay me to work for them, although I do donate time, too. The overseas fees are what they are. If I find an order that was grossly overcharged on shipping, I issue a refund for the overcharge. We are doing what we can to keep prices down for customers who buy the Handbook from us. The company that prints the Handbook ships them like we ship our Journals. They are mailed by a courier service at bulk rates overseas and then the postage is applied when it reaches the country of destination. We can't do that from our office. Sorry. We appreciate all of the orders that we get and please be assured that we are not ripping anyone off. Mary NRG Office Manger
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