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Everything posted by ferretmary1

  1. It was a group effort - NRG and MSW members, so both groups benefit from the calendar.
  2. Thanks Dave! It should go out tomorrow!
  3. Thanks, Tom!! Why does the tune to 99 bottles of beer keep going through my mind? Only the words are 99 calendars on the wall instead of beer! Mary
  4. Thanks Mike!! I'll pack your order right away! 👍😀
  5. Get your orders in for the 2021 NRG/MSW Model Ships calendar. This is a limited edition item so if you snooze - you lose! Half of our supply is already gone. They are only available through the NRG store. Thank you for your support!!
  6. Laying out the calendar was the easy part. Narrowing it down to only 14 pictures was the hard part! You guys did nice work!
  7. The calendars are now in the NRG web store. Order yours TODAY! They also make great gifts (Holidays are coming or for a best bud's birthday!) 😀🎂👍
  8. Bob - Yes they primarily are. Here is a link to more information on these models: https://maas.museum/inside-the-collection/2010/02/15/prisoner-of-war-bone-ship-model/
  9. Thomas - Thank you for sharing these and for updating your post with ship names and modeler's names if known. We hope to see you at the conference next year! Mary
  10. Bob - I also just noticed that after you click on the picture, it has the ship's name in the URL bar at the top of the screen! Mary
  11. Bob - Most of the models have name plates and if you click on the picture, you can enlarge them enough to read the plate. There are a couple without visible nameplates and someone with more expertise than I would have to name those for you. Mary
  12. Considering how stained the cover is, it could be something that they sold off to raise money for the club or they no longer had space for all of their books so they sold some off. If you are really worried about it, contact them and tell them how you got the book and ask if they want it back. Be prepared to go looking for another copy for yourself if they do.
  13. I checked the CIMM website and it still lists the guild. It meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. It didn't say whether they were suspending meetings because of the virus. You might be able to call the museum and ask. 805-984-6260 According to the museum's site, they are still closed, but the model guild may be meeting somewhere else during the interim, or as many clubs are doing, meeting by email.
  14. Good luck on your project whichever route you take - and above all have fun! Perfection is a goal, but enjoyment is the journey! 😀
  15. You could also try matte black nail polish. It was very popular a few years ago - I would think it's still available. Have your wife or girlfriend pick it up for you, if you are not comfortable shopping for it yourself! I used to sell Avon products and I had a lot of car modelers who would buy Avon nail polish for accent colors on their model cars.
  16. I forgot to mention that we will send emails out to everyone who orders a kit with your tracking information. Once it is up on our web store, that will be automated, but for now I will send them out personally. Mary
  17. If emailing your credit card info, I usually recommend sending the first 8 numbers in one email, the second 8 numbers in a second email and the expiry and security number in a third email. It is more secure that way. Calling it in is even more secure, but since we are not open 24/7 we do our best to accommodate our customers. Mary
  18. For US purchasers who have already paid for their kit, your refund will be issued once we have mailed out the kits, which should be in a few days. Thank you for your patience. If you still have a PayPal request pending, I will cancel it and issue you a new one with the lower rate. Mary
  19. Bruce - We will be using the US Postal service and sending it by 1st class mail. I know it's more expensive that parcel post, but we want to make sure it gets there, and it's still cheaper than Fed-Ex or DHL. Mary
  20. I told you that I was good at arm wrestling! LOL!
  21. The NRG had it's conference in Mystic a few years ago and the Thursday tour was of the Seaport. It pretty much took up the whole day and there was a lot of walking, so plan your time accordingly in case you need to stop for rest. Mary Van Dahm NRG Secretary NRG Office Mgr.
  22. Mike - Thank you for being a teacher as well as a builder! The time you take to explain things is appreciated. Also, for anyone who might be interested, David Antscherl will be giving a talk on the Hayling Hoy at the NRG conference this year in October at the New Bedford whaling museum. More information about the conference is on the NRG website. Hope to see you there! Mary Van Dahm NRG Secretary NRG Office Mgr.
  23. Our webmasters have contacted Support and it looks like the site is back to normal now.

    Sorry for any inconvenience that may have been caused!

  24. Do you think you will have it ready for the Manitowoc show this year? (LOL!) Mary
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