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Everything posted by ferretmary1

  1. Contact Josh at Blue Jacket (josh@bluejacketinc.com) for more information, but basically, yes, you would be making parts for their models with a casting machine.
  2. I will share your post with some of our NRG members in Maine. Maybe you will get a bite.
  3. My husband doesn't plan to die until he has all of his models built. Looking at the stacks in his workshop, I think he will live to be 355 yrs old! I know my beads and gemstones will go in a dumpster if I die first. He has no interest in rehoming my stuff. 😜
  4. I just looked - It's around 10 grand including shipping.
  5. Wyapa - I hope we're not overwhelming you with our back and forth banter. Chris is there a better site or modeler that you would recommend for Wyapa to go to to find a more accurate model? Mary
  6. Bob - Just a suggestion - in your 'spare' time, start cataloging your books for the sake of your 'dearly beloved'. That way your spouse or family won't have the arduous task of having to sort through them all some day. A lot of great libraries end up in a dumpster because the owner's family was too overwhelmed to deal with it. If there are certain books that you want to go to certain people, put an index card inside the book with a note that says "Please give this book to .......", and list their contact information. Let your family know that some of the books have such cards inside, so they know to check for them. Every year we deal with family members trying to figure out what to do with books and models left behind by a parent or spouse. Mary
  7. The Model Shipyard has excellent quality models. The only drawback is that they are in South Africa, so I don't know how much the shipping charges would be.
  8. The NRG is in the development stages of a rigging learning kit. I'm not sure when it will be ready - sometime later this year. This will be a learning tool for modelers to use before they tackle a complete model. It is being developed by Toni Levine. We'll keep everyone posted!
  9. Hi Wyapa, Welcome to MSW! The value of a model is usually determined by the quality of the build (accuracy and materials used) and who built it. How many are available can also raise or lower the price. We have a list on our NRG website of model dealers that you can check by going to this link: https://thenrg.org/resource/directory Scroll down the left column until you see Model Dealers and Appraisers and click on that. That link will also take you to a list of professional model builders (look in the left hand column again and scroll down until you see Professional Model Builders). Click on each name to find their location and area of expertise. Some model ship builders only build sailing ships, while others might only build paddle boats and others yet might build a wide range of models. Raven Arts is in Seabeck, WA and they build a variety of ship models. Here is their information: http://www.RavenArts.com Seabeck WA United States Phone: 360-830-9222 Fax: 360-830-9620 Email: info@ravenarts.com They are pricey, but they have very high quality models. If you are buying on a budget and not necessarily looking for an investment piece, you can try contacting some of the model clubs we have listed: https://thenrg.org/resource/clubs to see if any of their members have models to sell. There are several clubs in Washington. You will probably want to stay away from R/C clubs (radio control models) since they are not usually built for display purposes. One last tip - Be sure to have a case built for your model. Dust and grime are the worst enemies of a model, closely followed by cats and little kids. 😉
  10. Fire Mountain Gems,a jewelry supply site, carries square mandrels. ( https://firemountaingems.com/search/mandrels ) The ones with the green handles in the picture are made by Wubbers. They are excellent, but expensive (up to $40).
  11. The NRG and MSW stickers are now available through the NRG store ( https://thenrgstore.org/ ). Look for them in the Guild Products section. Get yours today! Be sure to browse the rest of the store, too, while you are there!
  12. I'm glad you like them! ☺️👍
  13. Knocklouder, let me know when you get them. Our overseas friends have already gotten theirs. Mary
  14. Hi Mark, No, sadly we will not have a calendar for 2024. We had to order at least 200 of them each year and we only sold about 1/3 of them each time. It was supposed to be a fundraiser for the NRG and MSW, but no one wanted to buy them. Sorry. Mary
  15. Hi Steef66, Here is the link to take you to the page on the NRG site where you can view the free sample of the digital Journal: https://thenrg.org/journal The access button is about 1/4 of the way down the page (it's a gray box). If you like what you see, the button to join the NRG is right next to it! (HINT, HINT)
  16. For any doubters out there - Yes he did donate $101! Thank you GGibson!!
  17. A big Thank You to all of the MSW members who also joined as NRG members during the drive!
  18. The payment did not go through, but I don't know why. We've never had anyone get that message before, but I don't think we've had anyone make a donation from New Zealand before. Or if they tried and got this message, they didn't tell us. If you were paying by credit card through PayPal and not through a regular PayPal account, it could be that your credit card is blocking you from making the transaction. I know that one of my credit cards will not let me make any non-US transactions - and that is my business card!! Very frustrating. I would suggest contacting PayPal and asking them about it. Since you are the sender, you have to initiate the contact with them. If you want to try paying by credit card, instead of PayPal, you can use the donation link on the NRG site, which takes credit cards. Make a notation with the payment that it is for MSW and I will record it accordingly. To pay through the NRG donation link, go to https://thenrg.org/about/donate
  19. Allan - Thank you so much for your generous donation! You'll be getting a CAMM pass from me as well! AND - it's tax deductible! We are a 501c3 educational organization. Mary
  20. I wonder why. Maybe it's a PayPal thing to make sure we aren't scamming people. I guess if anyone wants to give more than $100, they could make two separate transactions, or call our office and pay by credit card. BTW, Tom, Thank you for your very generous donation! I will be working on receipts and CAMM passes later tonight. Mary
  21. Hi Allen, To actually donate, you have to go to the home page and click on the donation link. The link I listed takes you to Jim Hatches' plea for funding. I thought that people might like to know more about why MSW needs funds before they give. It literally costs thousands of dollars to run this site and this year we have only been receiving a total of $50 a month from donors (and it's the same 3 or 4 donors that are giving each month!). It would be nice if other people pitched in. I know times are hard right now, but surely people can spare $5 to support this great modeling forum! We're not asking anyone to give a lot (if you would like to, though, we won't turn you down), but if everyone gives a little bit, that would help. Mary
  22. This site is worth every penny! Thanks guys for all your work and tireless service. Mary
  23. The Nautical Research Guild is proud to offer this reprinting of Steel’s Tables – Compiled and arranged by Yuri Miroshnikov for Model Ship World and the Nautical Research Guild. This is a great version of Steel’s Tables neatly and clearly arranged to be very useful in the shop. This downloadable version can be printed out page by page so you can print out the pages you need for your current project. Want larger pages to tape to the wall by your work area? Download to a flash drive and take it to a print shop and have the needed pages printed out in any size you want. This book is provided as a PDF download. Go to the NRG web store to obtain your copy. https://thenrgstore.org/collections/books-and-practicums NRG members - don't forget to take your member discount!
  24. The Jig has been our fastest selling item that we have produced for the ship model community, with almost 200 sold in the first two months of production. In fact, we sold out of the first 100 in less than 24 hours! The Jig is well made, durable and very reasonably priced. A note to non-US purchasers - the shipping cost for up to 3 jigs is the same as for 1 jig (blame the US postal service - not us) - so double up with a buddy or two and split the shipping. US shipping goes up a little bit with two or three jigs but is also worth splitting with a friend.
  25. Hi, Slugger, Welcome aboard! Be sure to check out our sister site for The Nautical Research Guild. The link is at the top of the MSW home page (NRG Home Page). We produce the Nautical Research Journal. There is even a free digital Journal sample that you can view. Best Regards, Mary
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