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Everything posted by Aqueous1025

  1. Congradualtions on finishing a great looking model. It is a beuatiful ship and looks really beautiful. And it does look really good in front of the window with the light coming through. Great spot for a beautiful model.
  2. Your doing an awesome job. When you are finished planking it you will be glad you put in the time. As for finishing it I would be torn myself. With all the good work it would be nice to leave it sealed wood to be able to see it. But I can also see the side of wanting to do it up like the original. Tough choice. Either way it looks really good and will look amazing when you are finished.
  3. Really really nice job Brian. Your AVS came out so amazing and beuatiful. Congradulations on the wins at the show. I look forward to seeing the next one from the beggining. Agam really beuatiful build
  4. Sorry, had a couple of long weeks lately. My magnifying lamp blew up on me, so to speak, leaving me with an excuse to search for a better one. Then I waited for it in the mail. When I got it I found out it would not clamp to my desk. A good excuse to visit the woodworking shop in my garage and use some of my beautiful ambrosia wood scraps. Now things are all set up again and I have started to re plank my deck. So far this is the progress I have made.
  5. Nice pictures. New toys are awesome what kind of camera did you get?? The planking looks really really nice.
  6. I am going back to working on the hull again now that I have my wood. I have a personal preference for not using or at least veneering plywood my whole life. Since I am stripping and redoing the deck planks I have decided to scarf out the edge and put in a piece sapele to enhance the look of the kit and cover the plywood edge. Hopefully the end result will look nice when it is finished. I am hoping to get time to work on planking the deck this weekend.
  7. So I got few thing done this week. I made and finished the wood bundles the plans called for. Since I am changing the wood for the deck planking I used the yellow heart for two of the three light colored bundles. I figured these represent wood stored for making repairs and would therefore mostly be hull and deck planking wood. Not sure if I am right, but that would be my guess. Also finished the wood boxes.
  8. Again I just have to say beautiful work. When I look at those pictures I feel like I am looking at pics of a real boat.
  9. I definitely say she is looking good. I know the feeling of tinkering too. I have not even got that far on my little cross section and could not stop myself from deciding to stray from the plans and tinker with it a bit. Your doing a great job and it is coming out great.
  10. Syren blocks are relly really impressive. Seeing them in your pictures makes me even more anxious to use them.
  11. Looking really really beautiful Definitely excellent work. I can not wait to see it fully rigged.
  12. So for the past week or so I have been working on some of the deck fittings. I found the parts for the pump and built it. It was really hard to drill a little hole in the bottom. The metal is not one I am familiar with and the drill bits just did not want to cut well. I tied up the rope bundles the instructions called for. I started and am almost finished with the wood crates. I took a very individual one box at a time method instead of an assembly line approach. I was kind of mad at myself for this choice until I realized it doesn't really matter how much time it takes me to make them. I am slowly getting one box a night finished. I do think they look good and each one is coming out a little different since I did not take an assembly line approach. Two more boxes to go at this point.
  13. I have loved modelling and painting my whole life. I have spent my whole life collecting modelling tools a little at a time and some nice furniture for a hobby room. I have been enjoying my own personal room for only a couple of years and it is great. Now I have a room, time, and the kids and cats are better behaved. I finally actually get to finish things I start for a change. On the left under the black towel is a spray booth vented to the outside of the house ( a real pain to do, the outside walls are brick and a pain to drill two 4" holes into). The oak tool box is full of hobby tools. The top was a present and I built the bottom almost 15 years ago to match it. The roll top desk was a moving in present for me to have a place to work at and a desk that I have wanted since I was a child. I just never really invested time in doing wood models until now. I did try wood models a few times but never got anywhere with space, time, working, moving, and stuff mysteriously vanishing/ getting broken. Yeah, I finally got my Sapele wood strip and I also got some Yellow Heart. I can now plan how I am going to do the hull. I got the Yellow Heart as a suggestion and think I will use it for the deck planking. I think the Yellow Heart will look a lot nicer than the kit provided wood for the deck.
  14. That came out great Bob. You did an amazing job. The windows are going to look so pretty on the boat.
  15. Hey again. Stopped to build / play with a couple of new toys while I try to track down some extra wood strip material. I found a place to get some Sapele so that I will be able to completely plank the entire inside of the hull to make it look nicer. I can not for the life of me figure out what this wood for the deck planks from Artesania Latina are. On the web site the only wood that they sale the correct size and color would be what they call TILO. I am not 100 percent sure that is what is in the kit, what TILO is (as far as a more common name that I might be able to source), or what I can buy that will match??? After talking to Artesania Latina ordering wood strip from them would be too costly being over $100 dollars in shipping from Spain. If you know what the wood for deck planking is from AL or what matches if you wanted more please let me know?? In the mean time I think I will move to the deck fitting for a bit while I decide how I am going to finish the hull.
  16. I built the middle and upper deck but have not planked or installed them just yet. I noticed that with the way the frames sit the upper and middle deck are paralel to each other but not the bottom deck. Also the tabs they sit on are either not aligned properly or the decks were planned to be curved from front to back. When the deck sits in its slot only the front and back touches the tabs where the deck cross beams are supposed to sit. The middle two tabs have a gap of a few mm between them and the beams. Currently I am trying to decide the best way put the decks on the frames. I am interested in suggestions / advice?? A cool side note: I just got some wood wheels in the mail to replace the machined brass wheels that came in the kit. They are a perfect match and I think will look a lot better on the cannons.
  17. I really like your work. I agree with the rigging looking very real. Such a beautiful ship build.
  18. I am just reading through your build log today. WOW. Really clean work on your boat. It looks so awesome and perfect. I really hope to build a boat as nice as this in the future.
  19. WOW, really nice work. I really like the way the windows are coming out. Really detailed.
  20. Looking really good Bob. I really like the way she is coming out. I tried sewing some sails on a kit I attempted in my youth and had terrible luck. Your sails look awesome.
  21. Some more pictures. I drew the lines on the decks and marked the nails with a brown verithane pencil. I put down a few coats of Minwax Water-Based Wipe On Poly, sanded, and then a final coat. I must admit I really respect you guys using the water based products. I am not very happy with my results. I am so used to varathane on furniture and cabinets that this is not easy. Such a small space and the wipe on poly dries so fast. My finish kind of has a pre-school poster paint look to it in the light. I think I am going to continue the building and maybe play with a few scraps of wood with the wipe on poly and try another final coat on the bottom deck later.
  22. That's a good idea about the gunports and spillways. I have actually been debating on what and when to do something about that. I noticed that there would be a good chance that the little metal opening fittings were probably going to leave an open gap when I read through the instructions before I started to build it. I keep thinking there are a lot of little things I can do here and there, but I also mostly just want to follow the instructions and build it as is. I am definitely going to take your suggestion to fill those gaps now that I know they are definitely going to be there. Thank you Ron for your post. Hey Bob nice to see you here. Hehe I don't think I have ever read even a good set of plans without something amiss.
  23. I finished planking the lower deck. I decided to actually cut all the lengths to 100mm based on where you were supposed to just draw the line with a pencil and stager them. Now I have to decide whether or not to draw the lines like the instructions say to around the planks and what with. I am not sure I like the look of a lead pencil line, seems too silvery to me. Also not sure if I want to complete lower deck before I continue upwards or follow the instructions and just do the decks only. Seems like it would be hard to put all the stuff and clear coat the lower decks if all the decks are installed first.
  24. Hi GuntherMT It is one paragraph in English per page with other languages as well. Second book has no instructions at all just pictures. It all seems fairly easy to follow though. One of the reasons I decided to start this kit first.
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