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  1. Hi Julie If i could do the hullplanking over again, I surely would have chosen the KA way of construction, For a more stable and even upbuilding of the planks, After finishing the sanding of the hull, I have decided to paint, No mahogny, after I read the orginal ship was a metalconstuction, At the moment I realize there is a lot of manual labour in front of me, The planks are going in all directions, Uneven thicness and the curvature of the hull are not as I hoped it would be. Cracks between the layers too. I must admit, on the other side, it has been a straight learningcurve. Many layers of spraypaint did not work.Probably some indoor housepaint will do the trick to fill the space between the planks. PS. Intresting how many words used in the Anglo-american language that are simular to my language, related to shipbuilding and work on the sea. B
  2. Hi again Julie. Without the treads of KA, and another who calls himself Sailor, I could probably not started the build. The instructions from Amati are in my opinion for more experienced modellers. Posting pics from the prossess of my shipbuilding, will make a lot of laughs in this forum. On the other side, maybe it is a good idea for learning and experience in future Projects. Styrmann
  3. Hi there, Julie Mo. I am into the same buildingproject at the moment. Similar to you, i have not done this since the 60ties with plasticmodels. Started late aug. and have done the deck by now. A lot of trial and error including a high stressfactor periodly during the prosess: Hopefully it will be ready sometime. Thanks to keithAug for help, via the pics of his masterpiece. mvh. Styrmann Norway
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