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  1. Still here! Ive been out of town but finally got back to working this weekend. I do have to take quite a few breaks to let the filler dry, so progress is slow. I definitely have been reminding myself that it does not need to be perfect. I started building back up the part that I over-carved and I was pleasantly surprised that it worked really well! I still wasnt happy with the shape of the stern, gave one more stab at it, and it came out so much better than I had hoped. I still have the add back 1/16th of an inch to create the shelf. Planning on doing that tonight. I know that pictures are much more interesting, so I will add some tonight. Really excited about this progress but know that I still have a lot of shaping to do!
  2. @John Allen @Overworked724 Thanks for your encouragement guys. I have taken a breather and my frustration has dissipated. I'm definitely getting caught up in the perfection aspect. Im going to take another stab at it (literally... with some blades) tonight. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!
  3. Im still trying to get the stern to work. Nothing seems to be working out. At this point, I havent even made it past the first step and I dont really know what to do. May be another defunct build over here guys. I definitely understand why most people dont finish their ships.
  4. @Overworked724 Thank you for all the tips! I went to the store and got some dowels to strengthen the templates. Also starting to make a builder board based off what I saw on some other blogs. I think I have the same issue you had with being to scared of making mistakes. Unfortunately, I think I may have already made one lol. When setting up my builder board, I went to add in the station lines and I realized that I made a dumb beginner error. There are 2 station lines for 4. When carving down the stern, I merged the two #4 station lines into 1. Welp. Now, I think this can be saved (not easily), specifically if I follow Chuck's method of carving down the stern and adding back wood to create the ledge under the counter. I have to think about it for a bit and decide how to tackle it. I don't think ordering a new hull from MS is the best idea; I doubt I do any better with a new hull.
  5. @Overworked724 ok I answered one of my own questions. I have discovered the camber template. 🤦‍♀️
  6. Just found Charlie's log and I'm hoping this will help me a lot. He asked a lot of the questions that I need to know!
  7. @Overworked724 Do you have any tips for shaping the hull? It's not going well for me and I can't seem to find much detail on how to do it. It seems to be a step that most people finish and move on from. It's important for me to make sure my deck is completely level right?
  8. Every time I start working, I realize that another tool would make the process much easier. I wasn't making much progress and so I decided to borrow a Dremel. THIS HAS HELPED SO MUCH but I now realize that my stern may need some filler. Specifically right near the top of the deck. I need to study Chuck's manual a little more to understand how he handled the stern. I think it would be totally possible to shape the stern without any filler, but since I am such a beginner, I think it will be easier to get the exact shape based on the templates and then carve out the 1/16th.
  9. Part of my delay was moving to a new apartment. This is my new work space! Hoping that once I get over the hull-carving/centerline frustrations, Ill work more consistently. The bow fits relatively well right now. A little bit of shaping needs to be done. The stern, similar to Chuck's practicum, needs more work. I think Im going to end up needing to use some filler. I'm blindly carving the stern down because I definitely don't have an eye for this (yet). I I really don't want to mess up, but I guess that's the point of a first build. You learn and perfect. I've finally resigned myself to just trying and if I fail, there's always wood filler. -Andrea
  10. Hi All, I have been avoiding my ship because I truly don't understand how to draw a centerline correctly. I've perused the message boards and have not really found any answers. I must me missing something because people seem to slide past this step. Does anyone have tips? I have calipers but I don't understand how to use these to draw it, especially down the keel. SOS!! -A
  11. Hi Pat, Thanks for responding. Im currently setting up my work station after an apartment move, so I haven't been building. You really seem to know what you are doing more than I do. Even with Chuck's practicum, I often find that I have no idea what the next step is. Apparently "find the centerline" is a lot more than just drawing a line down the center of the hull 🤦‍♀️. Thanks for the encouragement! I hope to be back to building this week. -Andrea
  12. Chuck you model is BEAUTIFUL! I can't even fathom creating something so amazing. I hope I make it that far! -A
  13. @vossiewulf I have mostly been using sand paper. Ill try some files. I had glanced at Patrick's build but was intimidated by his set up and knowledge. I think I have a bit more understanding of what the first steps are, so I will definitely reference it. Thanks for the recommendation! @Chuck Seiler Good to know! I will get a set of calipers asap. Luckily, I dont think I am far enough along to have messed anything up too badly yet. Thank you!
  14. I worked on my model last night, starting from the bow. It definitely helped. I think I have the bow well shaped but the stern is a bit more difficult. I definitely am feeling a little bit more confident though. Really really excited to keep working on it.
  15. @vossiewulf great point! I will start with that and see where it gets me. 😄
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