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Posts posted by Garward

  1. On a photo the template from aluminum for production of a framework of gun ports is shown 


    Motionless details of a template are stuck together among themselves CA (capacity with CA is visible on a background). The template sustained production of several tens framework and further is suitable for use.


  2. For these dead eye the corresponding chain are made of a brass wire with a diameter of 0,75 and 1,5 mm. The template in the form of the brass cylinder with a diameter of 7 mm pierced under diameters of dead eye is used. The brass hoops which go around the deadeyes are soldered by a gas torch with application of argentiferous solder (40% of silver). In this case application of soft solders on the basis of tin gives insufficiently strong connection which can easily collapse at installation and a tension of shrouds  http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/82-montanes-by-garward-occre/page-12


  3. Thanks Garwood, I didnt think that a piece of wood wedged would stay in place. I will be making a few of different sizes for myself.


    In vain you think that the wooden wedge won't hold sandpaper. Such fastening of sandpaper on drums is widely applied in various machines, there is only a difference in a wedge material - a tree, plastic, rubber, metal. On a photo - the Vanda-Lay firm machine with similar fastening of sandpaper.




  4. Garward

    Wonderfully made piece of equipment. There's just something about making it yourselve. In my chemistry research I had the chance to disasemble for repair and maintainance many wonderful toys, but the one I'll always remember is the instrument I built and did the bulk of my research work on.

    Bet it works like a dream, looks like the rip fence can be installed on either side of  for left or right cutting.

    Beautiful piece of equipment,




    Thanks for the comment! Finally I managed to construct the tool almost completely corresponding to my initial plans.

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