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David Rice

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Everything posted by David Rice

  1. They sent me some replacement wood. The same kind, but of better quality (not chipped or charred). I'll deal with what I received. But, I will never except that pink stuff with the horrible finish again. I can't believe they would peddle that stuff. That weird pink finish is a real pain to work with. Never again. I ordered some Birch Plywood. I think I will start a US Brig Syren build using my own wood. Or tweak the Syren, and build a unarmed Merchant Ship at the same scale. Then work on both models at the same time. Compared with other retirement activities, wood model ship building is a pretty economical hobby.
  2. I wish I had received the replacement pieces like yours, verses just getting a better replacement piece of the original. The finish on the original pieces are a real pain in the "you know what". I have bought two Kits now. Disappointed in some of the wood both times. My previous purchase, the Caldercraft HMS Snake, had chipped, and cracked Lime Wood planking material and broken gun castings. The next Kit I buy, I want to look into the box, or have the seller show me close-up photos of what is in the same exact box that I am purchasing. Live and learn. Well, at least I hope I do.
  3. Copper below water turns dark brown from the algae and other sea critters that collect on it. Some sea critters can live on copper. When the ship is hauled in for repairs, it is power washed back to green.
  4. It's only 46 degrees F outside today! It feels like November !!!! I decided stay indoors and work on the model. Beginning to cut out and bevel the bulkheads. I also need to locate some filler material. Living on a isolated Island in the Alexander Archipelago with limited access to materials, that is sometimes not easy to do.
  5. Using my new "whatchamacallit" I worked on the Keel and false Keel. The "whatchamacallit" works pretty good for keeping things straight, level, and inline.
  6. Raining. A Cabin Fever Day. I worked on the Knee today. I really do not care for the finish on the wood that is used for the frame and bulkheads. I'll make sure my next Kit doesn't use the same type of plywood.
  7. I bought Caldercraft HMS Snake 3 years ago. You have better looking wood than I received in my Kit. My lime wood strips were in poor condition. Chipped and cracked. I also had broken castings. Mostly the Caronades. I presume my Kit had been on the shelf for awhile, and had been bounced around a lot. The same large excellent plans. The same "weak directions". My HMS Snake is about 60% finished. Currently it is up on the shelf. I wanted to begin working on the US Brig Syren.
  8. Me too. That's the toughest line I have ever seen in my life. What's really nice is that when you cut it, there is no fraying. I wish I could find a manufacturer that makes a smaller diameter.
  9. I finished one side. Not moving very fast. I tried some sanding sticks that I had bought, but I sure like these Professional Size Emory Boards better. I just ordered a dozen of them. No, I didn't order the pink ones........
  10. I have begun carving the taper from bearding line to the rabbet. I am working on a piece of parchment paper for easy cleanup.
  11. I haven't tried it., but you might be able to dye the white. So far I have only worked with the black.
  12. I bought this " whatchamacallit" gizmo from Hobbyzone.biz. It's called a Small Building Slip HZ-psm2. It's made in Poland. It looks pretty versatile. When my build reaches the point when I need it, I'll give it a try. This small slip cost around $50 at :https://www.hobbyzone.biz/psm02.shtml. They also make a larger slip which is over 40 inches long.
  13. Today, I finally got started. I cut out the Bulkhead former, checked the width of the slots, and created the Rabbet. I try to spend as much time as I can outdoors in the summer gardening. I work on my indoor hobbies from September thru March. So progress will be slower than normal. I am not much of a social person, in public, or on the Internet. I may on occasion require a swift kick in the gluteus maximus.
  14. I agree. Excellent Service. Very fast response. Hopefully they will learn from their mistake, and in the future, stay with the higher quality of material. There are many excellent American Manufactures of wood products (US and Canada). Time to start building.
  15. The replacement parts from Model Shipways have arrived. The Bulkheads are made of the same plywood as before, however these pieces are of much better quality. They are straight, cut clean, have no labels, with very little charring. The other pieces all show less charring also. There is a big difference in the plans. The new plans look and feel new and crisp. Nothing like the plans that came in the original Kit. I am glad they switched out the plans. Over all, I am satisfied with the material.
  16. Stiffness and fraying example between #5 Seine Line with equivalent diameter Kit Line 050.
  17. I have been using the material for years. I have spools in multiple diameters. I only wish that it was available in a little smaller diameter. I emailed the Everson Line Company and asked them if they could provide some line smaller than their size #5. I told them what I wanted to use it for, Model Ship Building. It's been a couple of weeks, and I never received a reply. I have other uses for a smaller diameter line, like for stitching things together.
  18. I glued two strands together. No knot. Titebond II Glue 30 minutes drying time. Very strong bond.
  19. I am fortunate enough to live in a Coastal Community where I can walk the docks, and look at different types of ships and small vessels. We also have a extensive Marine Retail Store dedicated to Commercial Fishing located on the Docks. Over the years, I have been buying Nylon Seine Line in various sizes for gardening and other projects. The smallest diameter Seine Line I am aware of is #5, which has a diameter somewhere between 050 and 070 in equivalent Kit lines. See examples below. The Seine Line is stiffer and is much easier to use. When cut, the Seine Line frays less at the cut end than the line provided in the Kits. The #5 Seine Line (Nylon) comes in 1 lbs spools. Which is approximately 3,500 feet at a cost of only $12.99 each. This one spool will last me a lifetime. So far I have only experimented with it. So far I am impressed.
  20. Chinese import all right. The long piece is warped. The material is very sensitive to chipping.
  21. I have received a email from Model Expo informing me that my replacement pieces have been shipped. I use Parchment Paper. A roll of non stick Parchment Paper is very inexpensive. It is great to work on. Great for cutting and sanding. Messy glue drops or dripping paint? Who cares. You can write on it and leave yourself some notes, or directions. Doddle while you ponder your next move. Works for tracing paper. Build a template, or protect a surface for painting. When I am done for the day, cleanup is a snap. Fold up the paper and throw it away. Parchment paper has multiple uses. You can also leave a sheet in the kitchen as a hint that you want some fresh Chocolate Chip Cookies baked.
  22. I can't see where a Kit manufacturer would benefit from, or use such material. I mean, so little material is used for bulkhead building, that the difference in price between the highest quality plywood and the lowest quality plywood, would be minuscule. It just wouldn't make good business sense to take a chance on the cheaper materials. The cost difference wouldn't warrant it. I would gladly pay more more for a Kit if I new I was getting the highest quality of materials. But then.......I am just a old fashion old guy. I don't even own a cell phone.
  23. Good News: I just received a very rapid email response from Marc Mosko. Model Shipways is sending replacement laser cut materials and another set of plans. Excellent Guarantee and Customer Service.
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