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David Rice

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Everything posted by David Rice

  1. I am worried by how easily the material chips while you are working on it. Mine is 3 ply, and looks poorly glued together. Yes, I could cover it up. However, who wants to work on a model with the plywood manufactures label stuck on it? It looks like I would need to sand it off. Which would further weaken the material. I have been looking around. It appears that the plywood used is unique to the US Brig Syren Kit. Why?
  2. When I first got sick I had all the symptoms of MS and Lyme Disease. Tests came back negative for both. Since then, It's been 12 years now, those who "practice medicine" have found out that my body does not metabolize Vitamins D3 or B12 properly. I only have around 10% in my system of each compared with normal people. The practitioners do not know why. Both D3 and B12 are required by the nervous system to work properly. I take huge does of each. I have some good days, but more bad ones. Unfortunately as I age, other problems like Diabetes and Arthritis are now in the mix. I used to be very physical. Hunting, Fishing, and outdoor cinematography in Alaska. I am now paying for that in my knees and Hips. Something the younger people need to take in account. Yes, you can do long term permanent damage to your knees and hips with over recreation. In the summer, I try to stay outside as much as possible. I garden, or I should say, I garden for one hour, then sit for two hours. My model building is for our long "Cabin Fever Winters". I will put my US Brig Syren on hold for now. It's in Model Shipways court now.
  3. Looking at the plywood again, I do not think I can remove the plywood manufactures label. It would need to be sanded down. Which would severely weaken the wood. The left edge of the piece looks like it was cut with a chain saw. Chips easily.
  4. Yesterday, I tried 5 times to email them on their in site web email form. All 5 times I received a error message. I just sent a email to: mmosko@aol.com Thanks!
  5. Are they pretty good at getting back to you? I left a very detailed message on their recorder.
  6. No idea. They are still usable, so I'll let it go. I am more worried about the quality of the plywood.
  7. Interesting. Why would a established kit manufacture use such poor quality plywood in the first place.? Surely, there can not be that much difference in price. The other wood in the Kit is very good. I guess I had better give them a call too.
  8. I will start with the plywood provided in the Kit. There are a few burn through marks on one of the laser cut pieces. Everything appears to be there. No broken castings like I had in the HMS Snake Kit. I don't like working or dealing with plastic bags. I tried plastic containers, but I really prefer glass jars for small parts. With glass, I can see what is in them from a distance.
  9. I am not happy with this. The frame and bulkheads are made from some very cheap looking 3 ply plywood. I can chip pieces off the ply's with my finger nail! I have higher quality 3/16 4 Ply Plywood out in my junk pile. Before I jump to too many conclusions, I'll give it a chance, and start out using it. See what happens. Has anyone ever seen this material before in a Kit?
  10. This is odd. The Plans look like they have been used. The Plans have dog ears on the edges, and creases and folds where there should not be creases and folds. No rips or stains, but used looking just the same.
  11. The Brig Syren has arrived. Very well packaged. I love the color manual. At first glance, the planking material in this kit, is of much better quality than the broken and cracked planking material I received in my Caldercraft HMS Snake Kit. So far so good.
  12. There are many available based upon your OS. https://all3dp.com/free-cad-software-2d-3d-design-programs/
  13. My work area is in a bedroom closet. The closet has double doors which open very wide and allow me to pin sheets of plans, and other items to the inside and outside of the doors. I installed a table, one chair, lights, ventilation fan, and shelves. The big advantage is that when I am done working, I just close the doors. No clean-up required. Also, by working in the closet, I am able to keep my projects hidden from grand children, and inquisitive cats.
  14. I have made a decision to purchase and build the US Brig Syren. My goal is to become a better Wood Model Ship Builder. Learn the craft, and improve my work. I started building wood ship models 4 years ago. I started by building from scratch. With any wood and materials I could scrounge up. I completed 2 Commercial Fishing Boats. However, It was a very difficult experience for me. I became disabled, and have problems with spatial interpretations, reading, writing, and hand coordination. Four of my previous attempts to build a model ended up in the wood stove. The finished Fishing Boats are rough, and somewhat resemble folk art. My next project was a scratch built replica of the Armed 14 Gun 1801 Russian Merchant Neva. It took me 6 months working all most full time to build the Neva (over 600 hours). The Neva is a little rough, and I made many mistakes. Many of the parts I built for the Neva were built out of scale. The rigging was my own invention! To my astonishment the Sitka Historical Society took the Neva and will display it in the new Russian America Museum which opens this summer. I have many pictures of building the Neva. But, I did not set up a Build Log. I was afraid that the quality of my work was poor, and worse yet, I was afraid I would abandon my attempt. After working on the Neva, I felt ready to try a official kit. For the past six months I have been working on the Caldercraft HMS Snake. I must have gotten a older kit that had been bumped around a lot. Some of the wood was in very poor condition. Cracked and chipped. Some of the metal parts had broken pieces. So I tweaked the model a little. I have been struggling with the HMS Snake. Being disabled, I am finding it hard to read the provided directions. My spatial interpretation problems makes viewing plans very difficult. I still can't rig a canon. That is why I have chosen to build the US Brig Syren. I am impressed with the directions I downloaded, and the Build Logs I have read. I am hoping to become a better builder. The Syren is scheduled to arrive in 10-14 days. Which really means 14-21 days to Sitka Alaska. I'll start this log officially, when I start unpacking. At which time, the HMS Snake will be taken out of Dry Dock and put in storage. Photo's of my past mistakes attached.
  15. Does anyone know anything about the Blue Jacket U.S.S. Kearsarge? I see that it's a fairly new kit. I did a search above, and asked Dr. Google, but I am coming up with very little information. No builds, no reviews, no real opinions. Blue Jacket has a unpacking video, but not much else. Any information? Opinions? Thanks, Dave
  16. I am very disappointed that the thread has been closed. I left this forum a year ago because of the attitude of many of the members. Many are such egotists. One of the moderators appears to manipulate the site as a promotion for his own business. As a beginning kit builder, I was always seeking information, not lines of bull or in fighting. Once again, I am frustrated with this forum, and will more on. David Rice david.sitka.alaska@gmail.com

  17. I bought the HMS Snake last year. It was my first ever kit, so I did not know what to expect. Nice to see that I was not the only one disappointed. I think as the kits get old, the wood dries out. Looses essential oils. Then gets bounced around in a box for years, then cracks and chips. After I finish the HMS Snake........when ever that will be......it will be my last kit. I'll stay with my scratch builds.
  18. Should I leave my plank lengths as long as I can? I see many people are using a single plank to cover the full length of the boat from bow to stern when possible. When I made a scratch ship, I used very short planks. My model was 24 inch long. I used 5-8 planks per row across. I followed how actual wood boats were being built. Which seemed to work for me. But since it was my first build, I was not sure which was best. By using short planks I found it was easier for me to bend and shape them. Plus I didn't need to many clamps. I am trying to learn the right way.
  19. I bought a Kit. Caldercraft HMS Snake. This is my first ever Kit. Why are the planks in a kit installed full length? A wooden ship 106 feet long would be planked with numerous planks placed end on end to reach the 106 foot length. Even the local fishing boats being built in my area are planked with much shorter planks. 106 foot vessel would require at least 10-12 planks placed end to end. It would be impossible to lay a single plank 106 feet long. 1. Per Kit directions, why are the kit planks laid full length? 2. Should I cut a full length plank into sections? 3 If I cut the long planks into 5-10 sections, would it make a difference in the build? If so how?
  20. We know all about the CSS Shenandoah in Alaska. It's part of our heritage. http://www.adn.com/our-alaska/article/civil-wars-last-shots-were-fired-bering-sea/2011/04/17/
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