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David Rice

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Everything posted by David Rice

  1. Oh poooo............ Right now I feel like soaking the whole thing in warm water and starting over.
  2. You can wash a Professional Emory Board with water. Emory Boards also have a longer life than sand paper. But, in some situations, a very small and narrow homemade sanding stick is needed.
  3. If a $400 Kit takes you 600-1,000 hours to complete, Wow that's cheap entertainment.
  4. Nice work. I can't use CA glue anymore. Not even the expensive "no smell" variety. I have been using only Titebond II. Which really slows my progress. What kind of finish are you going to be putting on the deck?
  5. Looks like some people install the stern post before planking, and some wait until later. I'm not sure yet which way I'll go yet.
  6. I used to do a lot of fly fishing. Some would say too much. Due to neurological problems that started over 10 years ago. I am only able to fish occasionally now. Had to give up most fishing, all hunting, backpacking, Kayaking, hiking, boating, cinematography, and just about everything else. That's why I am taking up Model Ship/Boat Building. Some days even that is too much.
  7. I have been making slow progress. I am getting sidetracked. The Salmon are entering the small bay located down the street from me, and I am spending way too much time Fly Fishing.
  8. I went back into the closet. I can only dream of having a real shop area full of tools.
  9. My first attempt at model ship building 3 years ago was by scratch. I had no idea what I was doing. I learned as I went. Yes, I made many mistake. Mostly with the rigging. I am currently working on 2 kits. Mostly to learn more. When I finish with them, I will go back to scratch build. It's easier than you think, and more rewarding.
  10. I bought my last batch on my last trip south. WalMart online has them . What they are are commercial grade that are used by beauticians. You can even wash them! I use 100/220 grit https://www.walmart.com/ip/Trim-Nail-Care-Heavy-Duty-Medium-Grit-Salon-Boards-Black-2-ct/10413863?action=product_interest&action_type=title&beacon_version=1.0.2&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&client_guid=88a25667-aa5d-40b6-8c2f-407e0f9e9d92&config_id=2&customer_id_enc&findingMethod=p13n&guid=88a25667-aa5d-40b6-8c2f-407e0f9e9d92&item_id=10413863&parent_anchor_item_id=55243126&parent_item_id=55243126&placement_id=irs-2-m2&reporter=recommendations&source=new_site&strategy=PWVAV&visitor_id=fx--HWCR-5uoWVWK3OLuMM
  11. You can drive a pickup truck or SUV to Sheep Rock. https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fsbdev3_015844.pdf Huckleberry Campground is small, but very clean. My friend takes his 30 foot trailer in there. Good road. Besides Sheep Rock, there are two fire lookouts, and lot's of old mining relics to explore. Pretty cool place.
  12. I presume you mean the older fishing boats. Summer Troll season has started and most are out of Port right now. Replaced by the rich tourists Yachts. I'll look around. I am heading back to Idaho in late September for ATV riding. If you have not explored the Idaho side of Hells Canyon around Sheep Rock and Black Lakes, you need to. Spectacular views across the Canyon to the Wallowas. Lot's of critters. Few people visit that area.
  13. I do not mind paying more for a Kit. As long as the QUALITY is still there. The last two I have bought, the quality was not there. The wood was poor. Parts easily broke.
  14. I worked on the stern filler blocks last night. A little more sanding and tweaking, then I'll start planking.
  15. The Stern has been a big challenge. But, I would guess it is on all model ships. I never broke a piece.
  16. Looks good. If your lucky enough to get to the pieces before they crumble, soaking in a glue/water solution does help. Every time I see that Pink Plywood, it makes my skin crawl.
  17. Just playing around with it. Like adding pets or naked girls for ambience to a picture.
  18. So far so good. I haven't snapped off anything yet, even though I hit them good a few times. I believe soaking the stern frames in a glue/water solution did strengthen them.
  19. I soaked them for 4 hours. They soaked up a amazing about of glue/water. Drying now.
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