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  1. Good Day Sir As a model ship builder I am interested in all things nautical. I was searching info on astrolabes when your thread appeared. I see you worked in 3D; would it be posible to email me 2D acad drawings of the astrolabe for me to construct my own. Thank you Robert Wager email Bikerbob@magma.ca
  2. Good Day I would be interested in this build; if plans are available could they be sent to Bikerbob@magma.ca thank you Robert
  3. I purchased a kit of the Smit Neiderland and some of the wooden part sheets are bowed. I have tried using hot water under weights applied to both sides of the sheet to straighten with no result Do I need to apply water to (one side) the convex or concave side of the sheet? What other options do i have and how is it used? Thanks for your comments Bikerbob
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