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Everything posted by george

  1. Thanks Sjors. Not sure about next build yet. Will have to be something smaller running out of room for displaying them. would like to build a frigate but the lack of space is a problem. Happy Christmas to you and your family also
  2. And the last few. Including where she's going to live. Cheers everyone
  3. Hello all. finally finished my Agamemnon after 22 months. the rigging wasn't that bad but not as much room as I thought there might be on such a huge ship. I'd like to thank Mobbsie again because whenever I got stuck I always checked in on his log, and that got me out of trouble. Here's a few photos. All the best. George.
  4. Hello everyone. I appreciate all the kind words I've had from you. Here's were I'm up to at the moment, not that much left to do really. A few mistakes along the way but enjoyed almost every minute of the build All the best. George
  5. Hi Sjors. I think these are the pictures you meant. Will try to get some new photos posted this week. Its a job to move the beast now to photograph it though.
  6. sorry I haven't posted for a while but here's where I'm up to at the moment. just started fixing the yards. recon ive got a couple of months left before launch, George
  7. Cheers Mobbsie, I thought about making the case myself at one time. But that's a definite no no. Thanks for the info mate, the measurements will tell me wether I can actually Fit a case in anywhere. Just stated fitting the yards will put a post up soon. Thanks again All the best George
  8. Congratulations on a fantastic job my friend. She looks absolutely beautiful. you've been an inspiration to me. I've about 2 month left on my Aggy now and without you to follow I think there's been a couple of times I would have given up. You say your going to display her in a case. couldn't let me know the details size, price ect. Once again well done mate and good luck with the next project. All the best. George
  9. Just finished ratlines. seemed to take forever. took ages to decide whether to leave them natural or blacken them. went for black in the end, even now can't decide if I made right choice.
  10. Good job on the coppering Sjors. I've forgotten what a massive job it was. Coming towards end of ratlines on my Aggie now, another massive job. Keep up good work. All the best. George
  11. Sorry its been a while, but personal issues have kept me away. Here's were I'm up to at the moment. sorry picture's aint that good but the monster takes a bit of moving
  12. Cheers Guys, Mick. Just checked out your Badger build, Excellent work my friend. I received the Badger as a Christmas present. Be a while before I get round to it but when I do I know which log to go to if any problems arise. Sjors. I use Vallejo Paints. The Stern as most of the ship is in Yellow Ochre 121 and Matt Black 169. George.
  13. Hello all. Reached a bit of a milestone in completing the Hull. It has taken me just under 8 months and I've loved ALMOST every minute of it. Hears a few photo's. Happy 2014 everyone. George.
  14. Great to see you have started your Agamemnon. Will be following every step of the way, can't tell you how much I've enjoyed building mine. Reached a milestone today and finished the Hull. Enjoy your build my friend, I'm sure you will. George
  15. Latest update, I've finished gunport lids and catheads. ONLY the channels to do now and I think that the Hull finished. A big step I think. Should have taken a photo looking down I think. George.
  16. Excellent work as usual mate. Get the impression of it size even more now, it is a beast. Keep it up. George
  17. Good progress my Aggie colleague. hope you've finally decided on which blue to use George.
  18. Hi Mobbsie, Thanks for that, couple of month at least before I'm there but its good to know. Your progress is excellent as usual, I know she must be really huge now as if she wasn't already Cheers mate. George
  19. Cheers Mobbsie, appreciate the kind words. Getting towards the end of the building of the hull now. Never thought I'd get there. George
  20. Hi All. Just a few more pictures, Fitted the lamps on the stern and fixed the figurehead on. I drilled a hole through his hand so I can push a brass rod in, instead of trying to straighten the spear that he's holding. Also replaced the belaying pin that came with the kit for the longer more correct type.
  21. Hi everyone, Here's my latest update. The stern took quite a few hours to say the least. A few minor adjustments were needed. The cast decorative strips were poor quality for a kit of this standard and having to join them was a real pain.
  22. Awesome Rob. Your original build log persuaded me into building the Agamemnon. Only hope it can turn out somewhere near as good. Decorating the stern on my Aggie at the moment. George
  23. Mick, I sewed it on, not great at sewing but once I got going it wasn't to bad. George.
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