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    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Popeye, Thank you1
    I`m tryin hard, much more to come next days. Momentarily I`m working on some inner structures to fit the whole drivetrain. Pics will come soon!
  2. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Sorry for beeing late, last days were full with working for my family, lots of things to do. But there was some time for the Cairo too, so I could finish the engine stands, and started to plank the hull with 1mm plywood on the outside bottom. Not too much progress, but even better than nothing.................
    Here comes the photos:
    Both engine stands, some milling work will be needed still.

    the forst piece of plywood sheet is set to the bottom, now the full bottom is closed without the rear section

    Hopefully I will have more time the next days, so there can be more progress!
    Thank for stumbling in, comments and likes too!
  3. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Eric
    Thank you, the second stand is done, now I`ll start planking the hull, and glue some extra needed parts for the engine and boiler mounting in. Photos will follow, when I´m at work with it. Thank you for your kind offer, every detail photo will help for the build. I MUST come to the US and visit Vicksburg some day......................
    But there are only "no smoking" seats in the planes
  4. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Pat
    Thank you!
    The last days I was working on the engine stands, all made from 5 x 5 mm pinewood. The finished part is the starboard stand, the begun one goes to portside.

    Some fittings need to be made, this will be the next step.
    Regards, and many thanks for your comments, critics and likes!
  5. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi johnhoward
    WELL; there are some more pics needed, the different engine parts, all the levers and engine steering parts are not shown good in the "official" photos, but I `m not sure if there is a way to come close enough to the engine. Even some details from the pitman arms and their hinges to the engine sliders and the crank will be important for the build. I`ve saved a lot of photos from different resources, but there is nothing specific about that. Thanks in advance to your assiciate!
    Later today I will come up with new photos from my build, the engine stands will be ready for building them into the hull as I hope.
  6. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi popeye
    Thank you!
    The hardest part is still to come, the long timber on the front must be set to the "wall". This is not too easy, every second timber must be cut in, to make good contact between the parts. Currently I`m working on filling tha gaps, and then comes the long diagonal piece.
  7. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Pat
    Thank you for your nice comment!
    A bit more to enjoy.....
    The floor to the engine room is set in again, now from 1mm plywood. This is just thefirst layer of the floor, another layer from 2mm plywood will follow with the engine. And the engine stands are in progress, while I`m still waiting for much more wood and other materials for the Cairo.
    The floor in the engine room

    Beginning of the engine stands. The gaps between the timbers will be filled with small pieces from wood, so the stands will hopefully look like the original ones.

    Regards, and many thanks for watching & nice likes
  8. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    While the sanding for the cutters core I made some drawing work for the engine and paddlewheel compartment. The timbers will be made from 5 x 5mm pinewood, and they will be slotted as we have seen on the photos in eric´s (@cathead) thread https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/15945-designing-a-model-of-the-1856-missouri-river-steamboat-arabia/#comment-498868 , and on the pictures from the Cairo museum too. The attached photo shows how the timbers will be laid, but without the slots.

  9. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    And first of all some good drawings....................
    Just working on them!
  10. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Carl
    This would not be good for a life steam engine. Too much heat, I will have to mek the engine from brass. And, my printer will not be ready for the dummy engine, lots of parts are ordered in China, as I will make the printer from "scratch" too! Maybe I`ll have another building report about that.
  11. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Carl
    Most of the sanding is done, just a few milimeters still left. Took me about 20 hours to get that far.............
    Beneath that I work on the PC for the engine, there is a lot of planing work to make. Everything must fit well to the hull, so I will have to make some sort of dummy engine for testing, and when all fits well then the real thing.
  12. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Last days were busy for family things, but a bit has gone on too. First I had to play the @dafi and break out the former glued in floor in the engine room, and replace it with the curved part to the paddlewheel.
    The former version with the floor

    The new curved parts, all unnecessary beams will be cut away after planking the hull!

    Next was the larger carriages I made "far ago". They were painted flat black. I have read the johnhoward file, but decided to let it with only two different carriages for the great guns.

    And then there was the core for the cutters. This is hard work, grinding it by hand, but the shape comes out slowly !

    Best regards, thank you all for watching!
  13. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Carl
    Thank you! And many thanks to all interested for watching in & likes!
    The insides will be whitewashed, as all inside walls will. Engines and boiler parts will be blackened, as the original parts were. I HOPE, I can make the boilers as the 5 tube boiler that was there, but must calculate how much water volume they will have, and build a feeding pump to them for longer driving!
    Still grinding the core for the cutters at the time, no grinding machine in my shop, so I have to do it all by hands only!
  14. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Worked a bit on the core for the cutters, and painted the skylights with flat black. Looks a bit better than the brown colour, thanks for giving some advise go to @johnhoward

    Regards, Thank you all for watching!
  15. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    I think I have some of those candles somwhere in my storages, must search for them. But they are not expensive, if I dont find them I`ll order some
    Good hint, Thank you!
  16. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi johnhoward
    Thank you, so I will change colour to flat black for the skylights, no big deal to make it. The ship will get LED lights in it, so all visible interior will be seen well, but I will have to search for flickering lights to get a real effect. The inside of the superstructure will be painted light grey or dark white, the way you mentioned as "whitewashed".
  17. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi johnhoward
    I will stay with hinges, too much work to break them out of the frames. Breaking out the "glass" would be easier, but as I will let the windows open for sailing, this will not be necessary. I need good ventilation for the boilers and engine as this ship will get life steam, and I like to close such skylights when the model is set in the showcase. Much interesting is the question for coluor of the skylights, I found nothing about that! Shall I keep them as they are, or would (flat) black be correct?
    Regards, and thank you all for watching
  18. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hello again, and so many thanks for your likes!
    Before I continued with the cutters core, I had to finish another work I`ve started earlier. The big skylight had no window glasses and no hinges, so I decided to make them first. If the coluor would not be correct, please dont be shy and give some info about the paint of this parts!


    After the skylight I made the core for the cutters, must be grinded to shape now. Then I can start with the frames and planking.

  19. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    Hi cabrapente
    Watch the link from Johann`s post above yours, they have more useful tools for us.
    Here again: https://www.fohrmann.com/de/loetplatte-aus-keramik.html
    Best regards
  20. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    Hi Jophann
    Where did you get those ceramic plate from? I will need somone of these and have no clue...............
    btw perfect work as ever!
  21. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Thank God, they were not gruel, oups, cruel or better saying authentic in this sense ;-)
    But some of the breads hat cabbage on it, for us not to fall ill with scurvy on this long day-trip.
  22. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to johnhoward in USS ST LOUIS by thorn21g - 1:24 - POF - Civil War Ironclad - Gateway Model Shipcrafter's Guild   
    Attached are recent photos of activity on our USS St. Louis ironclad model. The first 2 show the structural framing for the aft Hurricane deck house with a prototype sliding window. A more delicate & realistic version of this window is under construction. The forward deckhouse and four smaller sheds are also under construction and will complete this structural assembly  The purpose of this dry-fit was to verify its mate-up with the wheelhouse arch. The starboard side will eventually be completely planked while the port side will remain unplanked similar to the wheelhouse..
    The other photo is a dry-fit of a prototype 32-pdr cannon & carriage at one of the port side gun ports. It is resting on a small temporary section of gundeck planking.  The cannon barrel is Bob's 3D printer version which will be replaced by Tom's brass machining, currently in work The purpose of this dry-fit was to verify structural clearances including the gun port sill which was 24" above the deck. This side of the model will remain relatively open to reveal the structure while the starboard side will be completely finished

  23. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Mirabell61 in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    And again....................................
  24. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    That is superb!
  25. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Hi Pawel
    Think this will be the stove? Nice idea to use that kind of red wood for the clinkers!
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