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  1. Hello Dan: Very glad that you've completed a re-do of your tremendous log; I, along with the other members, realize it was no easy task -and LONG! But, with the task done you're back to work on your tremendous build of Vulture. That having been said in reviewing your previous (edited) log I recall -if memory serves- that during your construction of the powder locker, now 'buried' in the hold, Jim Lad (John) suggested you add a key and chain to complete that niffty pieace of work. As I recall, you responded that you could do that! But there was no follow thru. Gee, I was dissappoited! Falling down on the job, here, Dan . You're doing a hell-of-a-job re. this build. I look in constantly to view your progress. As others have commented, terrific build, terrific workmanship. Keep the pictures coming, please. Kindest regards, Dick
  2. Hello Russ: Glad to see you've found some time to move along on this really fine model of a Gulf Schooner. Terrific results (as usual)! Kindest regards, Dick
  3. Hello Elia: Just came on the forum, saw your new entries, 'ran' to your build log, then viewed your photos -while panting ! Wonderful stuff! Forgive me, but i 'stole' a picture, or two. Maybe three or four. Five! Anyway, nice paintjob on the hull. Regarding the tape you purchased, I've been using 1/8th tape that I got from Micro Mark that has proved very effective in preventing leakage between different paint surfaces, including the water-line on the hull. In any event, just a suggestion -I've no personal interest in the Firm. I'm preparing to photo Helen B Thomas as presently assembled; with the assistance of my son, an IT person who manages an IT school in Reno (NV), I'll upload the photos and PM them, with comments, to you and within a reasonable time. Terrific progress with Arethusa, and keep the photos coming. Kindest regards Dick
  4. Hello, Elia: Many, many thanks for your time and assistance in posting the photos re. the stem metalwork. I want you to know it is much appreciated by this member. I have a 1st Edition of The American Fishing Schooners by Chapelle, so no problem comparing your photos with the notes Chapelle provides in the addendum to his book. I'll continue to follow you with this very fine build. Again, many thanks for your assistance. kindest regards, Dick
  5. Hello Elia: I'm extremly delighted you backed up your photos, along with some of your data; and have re-presented your build log of Arethusa. I have been an enthusiastic follower of your build since day one -from the shadows- for which I must apologize. To explain: I started a scratch build of Helen B. Thomas about three months prior to the beginning of your build log. Hence my great interest. I'm nowhere near your skills, however, but you've encouraged me to make my build as good as my limited skills allow. Presently, I'm waiting on your presentation of the foredeck of Arethusa particularly the iron work at the top of the stem. I know from Chapelle's notes what the iron work is supposed to look, I simply cannot visualise it. So, I'm waiting on you to demonstrate it. Accordingly, you'll have me as a constant observer of your log. And from now on I'll come in on occasion to cheer you on. Kindest regards Dick
  6. Hello Russ: Oh, this is wonderful! You backed this build up. Wonderful! Forgive me, I'm speachless. Wonderful. What it is, is, DEDICATION! Kindest regards. Dick
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