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Everything posted by Mindi

  1. Minor disaster today...discovered I have lost the etched brass sheet with lots of small parts I will need to continue. I have written to Jotika in UK to ask if I can buy a replacement..hoping for the best. It will turn up of course immediately after I pay for a replacement. To protect it I have put it in a book... which book...? NO IDEA
  2. Looks terrific... as on other post I am just resuming the same kit. It's a fun boat to build.
  3. I know these posts are all in reverse order but as the old sequence is lost here are a couple from early in the build. I did spend a lot of time coming up with a planking strategy I was capable of executing...in other words easy as I could manage. I took the easy way out on the under skin and did not bring all the planks to fall on the stem as you can see in the earliest shot. Some come up to a waist point around the waterline, an imaginary chine if you like.... For the outer planking I wanted to have every plank fall on the stem and used the photo of the construction of the replica Endeavour to plan the planks. I actually took a risk and started about halfway up the stem and worked both ways from there and in the end found that a good tactic, it worked quite well for me. Of course my plank count was different to the replica as the scale wouldnt allow the same "real" number.I have probably made that completely confusing but I know what I mean...lol
  4. Completed the rails and staunchions. Had a problem. I was originally going to leave all the timber work plain varnished but more research led me to black. Learning...... Cant easily overpaint new Tamiya acrylic over old Satin Acrylic. ( brand forgotten...probably Admiralty Satin) It just wont stick. I had to change to enamel XF1 rather than Acrylic XF1. Sanding would have been a better solution but too difficult. Enamel XF1 matt OK but not as nice a finish.
  5. Found a couple of earlier hull pics from 2011 one of inner skin one of outer going on.
  6. Thanks very much, I am happy I chose it , its a really good build and the kit OK although some poor quality wood.
  7. Thank you very much, the trick is to not photograph the really bad bits
  8. I don't recognise the forum from when I went missing in action about four years ago. Can someone tell me whether it has died and been recreated..? I did have a lot of stuff on my part Endeavour build way back then but all seems gone. I am now back on the job and about hull completion stage so I might put up a few pics of where I am resuming as a starting point.Good to be back in the model ship world.
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