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Everything posted by rdestefano01

  1. Thats so cool thanks! Wonder how tall it is at 1/48 scale.
  2. What a build! Can I ask how you put the stairway in if the base is solid maple.
  3. thats looks soo nice! boxwood and swiss pear are a great combo! I'm thinking pear, costello boxwood and holly on the same model and you cant go wrong. the wood would cost more than the kit itself thow lol. awwwwe kitty likes it to.
  4. Hey Julie thats alot of info i did not know. I heard of B.L.O. isnt it close to tungue oil or does tongue oil or danish oil have B.L.O in it? I thought i heard somthing like that. That neck is gorgeous... Its a fender strat to..i think.
  5. Mikey thats a beautiful cross section. I hope i will be able to achieve somthing like that. It's perfect. Gjdale in my head I was saying "I dont even wangt to stain, different woods are different color, can i use that concept?" I didn't think it was a thing. Then boom you told me about painting with wood! I'm going to view your log asap. Jax I was just researching cherry actually I have a big cherry tree in my yard that is coming down in the next few weeks...I wonder. I cant seem to like basswood at all, I dont know why though.
  6. Hey Mog. I to don't really like painting. Wood is so beautiful I want to show off it's beauty. I'm will absolutely go check out your log right now as it sounds like you did exactly what i'm trying to do. In a perfect world i wouldn't even use stain, natural stain if anything. Oooh Good idea on the notes, it never even crossed my mind. ROB
  7. Oh mike I forgot to mention I plan on using either danish oil, wipe on poly, or natural stain and i think sapele looks really good any of these ways. does anyone think a sapele hull with costello boxwood keel from stem to stern would look stupid?
  8. Thanks Doc I'm going to as soon as I'm done mowing the lawn and have time with this forum. Mike I really like the sapele I would keep it and replace above the wales, the 2 decks and maybe even deck fittings. Syren Ship Models makes really cool grates lanterns carrages etc in boxwood. Though i have no idea yet what to replace the basswood with, or what looks good together as well as with the sapele. Thank you Landlubber I'm going to look at that as well! Yes maple definitly...definatley...deffinitly...ugh it really catches my eye. I have maple guitars and it's beautiful! and I think its cheaper than holly too. maybe maple decks and boxwood fittings? Oh that reminds me I have ash guitars and it's lovely. Is ash used in model shipping at all? I havent seen it yet. look at this... this is so beautiful to me. Holly decks and costello boxwood fittings then you have the black brass that makes it pop...WOW
  9. This is the hardest decision yet. Which woods go good together for an unpainted model? I was thinking mabye a holly deck with boxwood hull above the wales, or does pear look good costello boxwood. After i realised how expensive those woods are I found maple and like it. but a maple deck goes good with what for the hull? ( it would be for the AL 1:48 Surprise, huge and alot of wood, the kit supplies sapele for the hull below the wales, everything else is basswood) I don't know I guess im just brain storming outloud.
  10. Wow guys that was a whole wealth of information really quick. Its alot to think about. So they dont compare but it can be done.in theory i could save for the brynes in 3 weeks i think. And if (though i doubt it) this hobby is a 1 build and done i could always sell it and get $300ish back righht? Oh man between milling machines lathes drill presses sanders rotary tools chop saws and routers. $1500 and i would have such a wookshop!
  11. I wish! I dont have $475. Maybe i can save my money for a while. Its really that good huh. Its a beautiful machine. Im wondering if i use 2 featherboards on the proxxon if i could get those kind of precise cuts
  12. I had a feeling that was the case. holly and boxwood for the build I am planing would cost me over $300 for milled strips, then i noticed how much cheaper sheets were. I got excited when i thought maybe i could mill my own stock with a $130 tool. but it was to good to be true. Thanks Mike! Rob
  13. Is the proxxon ks 230 table saw good for milling lumber planks as thin as 1mm?
  14. As I understand it the AL Surprise kit is said to come with the plans on a cd. Does anyone know if you are still able to print 1:1 sheets of plans from the cd? I dont understand why they have to do that. That will be the diciding factor on weather or not to buy it as I dont think I could build without it.
  15. They say when you soak planks in water they swell then shrink when dryed. Does that happen with steam also?
  16. You perfectly cleared it up for me yet again Chuck. Thank you so much! I didn't even think of that.
  17. Thanks Mark, I just got confused for a little. With the wales being used as a reference for spiling. I just didnt know what to do without the wales as reference. I think now i have an idea of what I am going to do. I didnt know wales were different depending on country...interesting.
  18. Thank you Chuck. No its not mine, it's just a picture I found online. Though Its the model I want to build. From all of the build logs of this kit i've seen the instructions have them plank from where the wale would be up to the top, then from the wale down, then finaly add the wales. so I just got alittle confused and found this picture that I thought illustrated what i was asking. I am actually still yet to build me first model. though I'm doing tons of research in preperation. Thank you Chuck! Rob
  19. Hi guys, I'm still just alittle confused. Can we spile above the wales? I dont know how I would measure each plank width with no consistant reference at the top. Also the kit calls for wales after everything is planked. Can I just spile plank the entire thing from top to bottom then add wales? maybe use a waterline jig to draw a horizontal line as high as i can almost to the main deck and start from there? ( the pic is 1/48 HMS Surprise, not mine but what I want to build soon) Rob
  20. awsome! I just had one of those moments when it suddenly makes sense ( I love these moments). Thank you Chuck! I cant believe It's so hard to find the actual width and length of hull planks used on the HMS Surprise on the internet. Rob
  21. Theres just one thing I dont understand about lining the hull with tape or string. If the number of planks is 20 or 24 or any number that is equally divided by 4 then there is no problem because the hull will be divided into 4 sections. But my question is what if you are working with 23 planks? with the first lining of tape that divides the hull in two, does it follow the increment marked for plank 11 or 12? or do I divide the hull at the true center which would be in the center of the 11th plank or 11 1/2. I don't know how to ask this question if this doesn't make sense I totally understand.
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