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  1. Thank you everyone who has welcomed me and also to my other misplaced yankees.
  2. Thank you for the warm welcome to the site. Gerald Todd, I think your correct in your Thanks for the replies and warm welcome. I appreciate it. My service was my pleasure and honor. Gurnet, your ship looks like it has weathered some storms. I grew up in Swansea and Fall River
  3. Thank you Mark
  4. Good day to all. My name is Scott and I live in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Originally from Coastal Massachusetts and later from Rhode Island. Retired Army with 22 years before getting hurt in Iraq in 2008-09. Recently took interest in Ships in a bottle which is funny because I grew up and lived on the water all of my life and have been around boats and ships all my life, now being land-locked, I take interest. Started a cheap ship model kit, which can be seen in the Builders log section, to gauge my interest before building a SIB and also a more detailed ship kit. I look forward to reading and gaining knowledge from this site and look forward to your comments and help as I further my experience in this wonderful hobby.
  5. Recently I took an interest in Ship in a bottles and thought I may try my hand at building one and then thought..."let me get some knowledge on ship anatomy" so, I decided that I wanted to start by building a wooden ship. I decided that the Bluenose would be a nice place to start as there wasn't a lot of rigging. I was blown away at the cost of kits and as a disabled vet, cost was an issue. I also have a tendency not to finish things I start as I get frustrated easily and I also tend to have heavy hands. One day while looking in a thrift shop, I came across this kit for $8 and thought it would be a great kit to cut my teeth one and if I mess up, I'm only out $8 plus the $60 spent on various tools and supplies but, none the less, relatively cheap considering. The kit states that it is an easy build and can be done in a week-end. Funny as it has taken me all of three weeks or more and still have the rigging and sails left. Anyway, here are some pictures of the build so far. The hull is made of what they call Artist wood which appears to be nothing more then compressed cardboard and the pieces weren't even close to fitting properly but after some mods and sanding I got them close enough and filler filled the rest. There isn't a lot of detail on this kit so, I added some little touches here and there. I hope you enjoy the pictures and thanks for looking at my build so far. Looking forward to building something more detailed after this. By the way. Pictures are out of sequence.
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