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Everything posted by Ekis

  1. Some views of the outskirts of the village... I wanted an entrance well integrated in the nature. It also allowed me to create a small tannery with its thatched roof. I am getting closer to the ultimate step of this village: painting the edges of the pedestals in black. In other words the end of this adventure! Before thinking about its extension... One last info: the oven of the village has received its first pies and breads... Waiting for the next boat!
  2. @lmagna That's the plan : gniark gniark !!! 😁😂
  3. I continue in the mass photo! Some view angles are no longer possible with the buildings glued in place ...😎
  4. A hippopotamus in the south of France in the 14th, it would have been an attraction in the whole kingdom...! 🤣 But the pigs were very often black like these figurines.
  5. I'm still sprinkling with pictures of the construction site ! The center of the village is almost finished (the pigs have arrived !), the 3rd part with the door is started :
  6. Thanks Kurt! I'm sorry for posting this part out of time... 😁 Seriously, what I like is to control the whole process so that in the end, the pictures of the project seem very close to reality! It means that not a single step, from the initial idea, through the construction and up to the weathering was missed. 🤪
  7. @Kurt Johnson 😉 The 14th is not the High Middle Ages (5th-11th). Much had changed in the planning and organisation of towns and villages. The great cathedrals were almost all completed, castles and large fortified cities were built and feared by all the armies of Europe. French and English universities are a source of science and knowledge. Agriculture and animal farming are controlled methods of feeding. Finally, trade is numerous thanks to roads and waterways. So, my little village benefits from all these advances in know-how, and now has cleaner streets (well, like in the Middle Ages, eh!) with a central drain and a sewer to evacuate dirt and rainwater outside the village (to the river...). That's what I'm doing on the 3rd base. It is for all these reasons that I chose the 14th century! Well, it's true that for the moment it looks all clean, but I can reassure you: the result won't be as clean and neat! 😁 The 3 bases will never be anything but close to each other. I won't glue them together to be able to transport this whole village easily. The future port will be made in the same way. The whole will make a big puzzle that I will be able to enrich as I wish...
  8. In fact, what you see here is the raw pose, but : - a central flow in each street is already made, but not enough dug, - other flows are there, but they will not be seen until the shadows/ageing are in place - some passages of the streets must be sanded to dig them, or bomb them; again, we will not see anything without weathering ... - the dust will also come to level the whole, to properly incorporate the buildings and to draw some nuances, - the foams, moulds will reinforce all the effects. But I wanted to show this step because it represents the heavy base in terms of hours to spend... It's almost a mosaic! 😁
  9. Here is the site as it is: the central base is paved. It's a job this part! 😜 The stones are still rough and not properly sanded, hence the difference with the houses. I think I'm going to pave the 3 base (the one of the village door), and harmonize everything at the same time... In short, still a few tens of hours before showing you something realistic ! The constructions simply put down, not glued: The central base is empty, but paved!
  10. You should indeed repaint your roofs in grey so that they look like slate as in reality. Have a hole of 1.5cm² so that you can make 2 or 3 rafters made with strips of 2mm maximum appear underneath. And then, you should ask a moderator to put all these posts (from post #691 to #704) on your thread so that people following you can see the rest of this discussion. I don't mind at all on this thread, we're all here to discuss and it's exciting, but your readers (followers) will understand the construction better, I think, won't they? ☺️
  11. You have several solutions, I think: - Either you make a hole in your roof, and you glue the rafters of the frame from underneath, which you will have blackened beforehand (Indian ink on the wood and a few touches of brown diluted), - either you try to dilute the ink on the roof with the tiles (or slates, I don't know) and you try by small brush strokes to reproduce the burnt side of the roof. Personally, I would try the 1st solution, without making too big a hole! 😉
  12. Well here is a beautiful half-timbered house! 😁
  13. In fact, you're right: it's almost a complete sampling of all the types of stones used! And you can see very well the color of the original stone before and after aging... 😁
  14. Courage for you, and a quick recovery for your brother. 😐
  15. After the base 1 (church + cloister), I went to base 2: center of the village. Before plunging for a long time in the pavement of the alleys, I wanted to integrate a little more the base with the buildings, creating a massive underneath to the tower of the seigneurial dwelling: before aging and vegetalization. And I move on to the mosaic of the streets with the paving stones and the central drain ...
  16. At the moment, it's a painting and decoration workshop in view of the next big terraforming works...
  17. I look at each of your new posts with a lot of attention: you build fast and well! But I have to admit that I have no idea what your final project will look like... I have no idea where you want to go! 🤣 I'm very curious about what's next! 😉
  18. Well, I think the first third of the village is done. It will remain the sides of the pedestal to be painted in matte black. A burst of photos to celebrate that ! 😜
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