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  1. A local guy is very excited to get it. Mission accomplished. Really, a good outcome. Steve
  2. I totally agree. While the model may not have been built to the highest standards, a huge amount of work (and time) went into it. I wish I knew who built it. Steve
  3. Thank you! Honestly, it's in rough shape, and the planking isn't well done. One reason I strongly suspect my stepfather didn't build it. He was quite a perfectionist and craftsman. Steve
  4. Hello! My stepfather was an excellent model ship builder; on his passing I recovered several of his models. I have two which upon close inspection I'm convinced he didn't build. In later life he suffered from Parkinson's, and I'm guessing my mother found these at an antiques store, estate sale, etc. Here's one (the other is smaller and in better shape). I'm downsizing and won't get to restoring it. I'd like to offer it FREE to anyone who might enjoy fussing with it. There's a lot of nice work in this model and I hate to just discard it. I live near Albany New York, and it would be pick up only, or a reasonable drive to meet you. Any other suggestions appreciated! You can PM or I can be reached at slnightingale@hotmail.com Thanks, Steve
  5. Speaking of acrylics, I've overcome my fear of them and have had great luck with Tamiya acrylics. Here's the bottom of my Emma C. Berry; a mix of 5 parts XF-7 red and 1 part XF-64 red-brown. Steve
  6. Started putting on the lettering today. I'm using Woodland Scenics MG703 Roman R. R. Gold. On stern "Emma C. Berry" is 3/32 size; "Noank" is 1/16 inch. Gold will need a bit of re-touching with gold paint. I tried 1/8 inch along bow; it's too big and will be sanded off tomorrow! I'll use the 3/32 as on the stern. Steve
  7. Thanks everyone, Seems like this will be a good one to dig into when I get my Emma C. Berry done (see my progress under Build Logs--- Model Ship Kits), and a Model Shipways AVS kit that's almost ready for rigging. Glad to hear the positive impressions! And Glen Barlow's model looks fantastic! Steve
  8. Absolutely beautiful Miles.....thanks for posting. It would appear that the kit CAN be built!!! Steve
  9. Some more progress on the ECB. Had to deal with the decorative white striping; decided to handle that by ripping some very fine strips, painting them, and gluing them on. Next, dealing with the lettering. Ordered a set of gold rub on letters. Good news is that the font matches the real ECB very well. Bad news is that there are only 2 "M's" of the required size, meaning that even if I don't screw any of them up, I'll need a total of three sheets. Oh well, we've come this far...... I'll paint up some wood to practice applying, using un-needed letters. Attached is a photo showing how I've "mocked up" (or maybe mucked up) how the letters hopefully would be applied. (BTW, the planks are actually tight..as previously stated I beveled the edges to make them show up after paint. May have overdone it a bit....) Also I completed the chainplate-deadeye assemblies. Used Chuck's deadeye "kits". Very nice. My soldering skills need some tuning, though. I may actually re-make them. Comments, suggestions, and taunts solicited! 😄 Steve
  10. Hello, In my kit stash is Bob Hunt's "Fair American" kit (kit #58 purchased in 2006). My understanding is that it doesn't represent an actual scale model, but would seem to build up to a very attractive representation of ship construction, etc. I've done a search on this site and I've found two builds, both of which seem to have come to a halt at different stages of the build (I get that, my build of the Emma C. Berry under "Model Kits" go through similar lapses!) If anyone here has the kit, has started it, or even completed it, I would enjoy and appreciate any comments about the kit as I screw up my courage to start it! Steve
  11. Thanks! As far as the holes for the wet well goes, from what I can see of the actual boat at Mystic, those no longer exist and the model is based on a relatively recent reconstruction. I've chosen to leave them out. I also put a slight bevel on the plank edges to make them show when the hull was painted. No sense doing all that work if you can't see it! I'm working on adding the white side trim pieces today; I've cut very thin pieces of stripwood which I will paint and then apply. I'll post a pic when that gets finished, probably tomorrow. Steve
  12. Hi Folks, I've made some progress. Here's the hull so far. A few comments: I've been airbrushing Tamiya acrylics and have been very pleased. My LHS guy suggested I use the acrylic with Tamiya's lacquer thinner and it works well. The "red-brown" under the waterline is a mix of 5 parts XF-7 red, and 1 part XF-64 red-brown. These dry dead flat so I oversprayed everything with some leftover Floquil flat, which is more of a satin/eggshell. I'm also feeling better about the natural wood for the deck. The white oval trim along the stern is more prominent than in the actual boat, but looks pretty good. Headed to Woodland Scenics for rub-on gold lettering; any other suggestions are welcome. Next up will be the white trim along the sides, and installation of chain plates. I've ordered Chuck P's deadeyes; while I've ordered his blocks for other kits in the stash I have some old Warner Woods blocks I'll use here. They're quite nice. I haven't provided a detailed blow-by-blow description of the build but if there are any questions, please ask! BTW, about 170 hours up to this point. Steve
  13. Testing...the photos I posted are pretty small. Trying a larger file size. Steve
  14. Hi Folks, Well I've finally gotten back to my ECB. Been working on the cabin, and have the bowsprit shaped. I've also got the caprails installed, and hull pretty much painted. Here are a few photos; more tomorrow. Steve
  15. David O'B and others.....I'm getting ready to dig into the Emma C. Berry again; been distracted by health issues but I'm back in the saddle. Will post again soon! Steve
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