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Louie M

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About Louie M

  • Birthday 07/17/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York / Palm coast
  • Interests
    Golf,pickle ball,kayaking biking beach horseracing.

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  1. Helllo James

    I was told to write to you about correcting my username . I mistakenly used my email address in place of my name on the registration form when applying for this forum . So can you please correct it to Louie M .


    Thank you 


  2. Okay Allen thats where it is indicated so the word "fancy" is here by eliminated . Thank You
  3. Hi my instructions for the Fair American are to me almost indecipherable very lacking in instruction , but I will keep persisting nevertheless. But I need to know a few terms what exactly is a "FANCY RAIL" and or "FANCY CAP" . or a "FASHION PIECE ". Any enlightenment would be helpful thanks Now all I need is 96 more posts so I can correct my name
  4. Guys & gals thanks for all the encouragement but I will wait for the right time . If I were to post a build-log it would be the the ruination of this site LOL Lou
  5. Hi new to to this forum and I have been looking for a way to change my username........ unsuccessfully ! Can you tell me how ? Thanks louie
  6. Hi glad to be among some great builders (not me though ) I just cannot believe some of these photos. Just found this site and have been hooked to this computer since...." Great " work. My name is louie I recently retired and have some previous build experience .. Santa Maria and Sultana but nothing like what I see here. Right now I am trying to advance with the Fair American 1:48 but am at a standstill right up front , the instructions are over my head , you have to be a sculptor besides a wood worker .Anyway I am stuck on the transom construction and hope to pick the minds and photos of this site Hopefully it will turn out half as good as what I see and I will be overjoyed . Thanks lou
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