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Everything posted by Snow

  1. Yeah bava she was
  2. Thanks mate she is looking good keep putting in posts as i would love to see how she turns out i have got about 2 weeks to finish the amati adventure and can't wait to open the box on the 1/85 diana by occre
  3. Barbossa. I might have been vague i got the occre 1/ 85 scale diana French ship .just can't find build logs cheers
  4. The diana frigate 1/85 scale occre kit
  5. Hi Just wondering if anyone has built the french frigate diana. I'm just finishing off my first build the amati adventure and will post finished ship soon ( don't be too mean I'm learning) as i go and thanks for all the help any help would be nice Cheers snowy merry Christmas and happy New year to all
  6. Gday snow here I'm still building the amati adventure and I'm putting sails on her I'm just wondering what sort of ties to attach the sail to the yard. Thanks
  7. Hey mate look at modellers central. Scroll down to timber and search which you want .
  8. Gday mate snowy here or darren is my real name i would look up modelers central as they have kits called beginners kits and you also get a set of tools. With this you also get 5 dvds on planking,decking masts rigging and sails. I would also look at a book called. Ship modelling simplified by frank mastini it helped me heaps as I'm still building my first ship cheers good luck
  9. Hi guys does anyone know where i can get ship people figures in Australia about 22 mm tall
  10. Hey gday snowy here building same ship. Thanks for the pictures now I've got some scope of what to do .i don't know how you worked that out from the plans excellent and thanks.
  11. Hey banyan thanks again after reading twice about the outer edge and not tying off.
  12. Banyan.I see where you're going its just as my first ship i don't want to stuff up .I really do appreciate the advice and it sounds the way to go now i can start work again. Thanks. Snowy
  13. Oh please. Just me again on my own post .just asking a question build them on or off the ship .Thankyou
  14. Hi all snowy here building the adventure from amati I'm up to the stage of nearly starting on the masts. I'm wondering if i should tie on the deadeyes ×2 that attach to the channel off the ship or on .Or put the bottom deadeyes on the channel and attach them to the ship and then tie the top deadeyes off later thanks for any advise.
  15. Hi hey look up snowy in different conversations I'm also building the adventure and I've posted some pictures cheers mate
  16. Thanks sounds like good info
  17. Hi guys I'm building the amati adventure the plans are hard and not in English .i had to translate what there is.beleive me the plans are not great in my opinion it shows the rigging up top but doesn't tell where they go just an arrow .all in all i love the ship and the materials. For my next build I'm thinking of the occre san illdefonso but I'm wondering if anyone knows if it comes with English step by step colour plans thanks guys if you can help now back to the adventure.
  18. Thanks derek i went red handles and red paddles with a dark timber colour on the centre they look great .
  19. Hi again I've put a small boat or lifeboat on my pirate ship on the deck as this was not a real ship I'm wondering what colour the oars should be ,maybe two colours
  20. Well put guys I'm a concreter and finished year 12 with flying colours but i still find it easier to use a concrete calculator to measure peir holes , its just more convenient .cheers guys
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