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Mr Pleasant

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Everything posted by Mr Pleasant

  1. Hi All Small update on progress over the last few months or so. Forecastle is now complete and just a few points for those who may be planning on building this model. The fore beak platform provided didn't really fit and so I had to fashion another out of scrap. The photos below show the kit supplied and my modified version Next was an issue of my own making, when planking the main deck, I planked to the oval provided in the false deck for the bowsprit. This is far too large and I only realised once the forecastle was pretty much complete and I was checking the fit of the bowsprit. The following shows the repairs in a tight space (before and after)....not perfect....but lesson learned for future!!! Cannons are now rigged on the main deck all rope was made on a home made vertical rope walk. Gutermann Scala 200 and 240 thread colour 464 was used Again for those considering the model the centre hatch coverings in the below need to be made narrower than the kit supplied otherwise the support columns for the waist gangway wont fit....don't ask me how I know Some general photos of progress.....looks like one of the cannons has lifted from the deck, time to get the glue out Thanks for looking in Mark
  2. Hi All Didn't realise it has been so long since I last posted.... Still working on completing the fitting out and the decks are nearly complete, not a lot more to say really at this stage just steady away. Out of the box, I've not come across any major issues and any small issues have been of my making...anyone planning on building this model make sure you get the first layer of planking tight against the top of bulkheads in the bow area, I didn't and its causing a few issues getting the bulwarks to fit properly and I've some work to do to the forecastle bulkhead as a result. I've left some decking incomplete at this stage as I want to try and get a continual run of the planks along the waist gangway but we'll see how that works out Thanks for looking in MP
  3. Hi Steven Thanks for the comments. I hadn't thought about deviating from the plans but your link to your previous post has given me something to consider Thanks Mark
  4. Hi All Small update showing latest progress. Continued to work on the hull and had a few small issues to contend with. The 2mm walnut sheet that contained the channel brackets isn't of good quality and is quite orange in nature and almost the texture of cork. You can see the difference in colour against the channel in the photo below I tried staining but wasn't happy with outcome so ended up milling some of the spare walnut planks down to 0.2mm to make a veneer to cover the brackets. This has led to the brackets being a little thicker but I think I can live with this more than I could live with the original wood supplied As mentioned in my previous post, I've measured something wrong somewhere and the channels are positioned a little high . The channel brackets should fit under the blue line below The channels were already pinned and epoxied in place so I considered removing some material off the top of the bracket but this would leave no recess for the belaying rail and taking material off the bottom would result in the belaying rail when fitted almost touching the channel so I elected just to live with the error. Some additional photos showing overall progress Thanks for looking in Mark
  5. Hi All Thanks for the continued commentary and to Allan for the links to the the pictures from the rmg collection, certainly gives me something to aspire to. A quick update on where I'm at..... I lowered the wales a tad as on reflection they may have been a bit sharp at the bow compared to the plans. Fortunately these are glued to the outer planking so I was able to unglue them so far back and drop them down slightly. Cannon ports have been framed and the lower part of the hull has been given a couple of coats of amber shellac Channels are fitted, pinned and glued but they're a couple of mm high at the start and this is going to cause some slight issues with the channel brackets but more on this when I get to install them. Thanks for looking in Mark
  6. Hi Steven Thanks for the like, this is my 3rd model, first being Virginia 1819 by AL and then Endeavour by Caldercraft. Yeah, massive Kinks fan...Ray Davies, pure genius Mark
  7. Thanks for the encouragement and offer of the photos...feel free to post any that you think are useful. I have the AoTS by Douglas McElvogue that is proving slightly useful and provides a good supplement to the Caldercraft palns
  8. Hi All After some gentle persuasion on another thread, here's my build log for the Mary Rose. From what I can see this is the first build log for this kit which is fortunate for me as you've got nothing to compare me against.🙂 This will be a build as it comes out of the box and will hopefully somewhat follow the plans but some allowances will have to be made for my lack of ability. As long as it looks sort of like the photo on the box at the end and I've had a lot of fun along the way then I'll be happy. The kit itself is pretty good and is standard Caldercraft fair in that the wood varies from pretty good for the most part but poor in some instances especially the Tanganijka provided for the deck planking. Instructions are brief but the plans are excellent I started this back in December 2020 and have been working through the planking so not a great deal to see so far. Not sure how some members seem to get through the planking really quickly as it seems to take me forever. I'm not a master shipwright like a lot of members so my log will be pretty much limited to progress rather than a master class in how to's and techniques, however I will point out any issues that I come across so that any other builders of this model will be forewarned. Oh yeah, I'm not a master photographer either.....now that expectations are set, feel free to follow along
  9. Hi Steven No I don't. I've considered it...might start something after I've finished the planking Mr P
  10. Hi David You'll probably work faster than me. I only get an hour or so a day and it's taken 8 months to get to this stage. Nothing too tricky at this point, just make sure you work out the levels where the planking is to finish
  11. Hi David Just finishing off the 2nd planking Mr. P
  12. Hi Dave That's how the kit is. The window frames are photo etch and fit the spaces. I've attached a couple of photos showing the part you've shown fitted with some black card behind and the other showing the photo etch fitted and painted. Hope this helps Mr P
  13. Hi Graeme Here's some photo's of when I built this model, hope you find them useful Mr P.
  14. Thanks Richard, I was thinking the same after looking at the belaying positions on AoTS. BTW the pictures of your Endeavour look good Tom, you've given me something else to thing about
  15. Thanks Allan, Richard I've got a better idea now of what's going on, one thing is for certain I'm going to need more tying off points than what the plans show. Appreciate your help. MP
  16. Hi Allan Thanks for the welcome and the response. I've attached an expanded view that shows the bowsprit and hopefully makes things a little clearer. The S blocks you refer to are closed hearts and are already taken care of. I guess you are correct and the line has to be tied off at a timber head Thanks Mr.P
  17. Hi All Long time member but first time post. The Caldercraft Endeavour is my second build and I'm slowly working my way through the rigging. First build was AL's Virginia and was far simpler. I'm now at the point of rigging the stays but I can't figure out how the the blocks are rigged in the plans. I've checked various books I have and scoured many photos of build logs but I'm still non the wiser. The diagram is off the plans N is single block O is a double block I'm assuming the rope is attached the top of block N via a becket and I can see how the rope is run through block O and back through N and so on, but what do I do with the end of the rope? I cannot see how it ends or is tied off. Hope this makes some sort of sense and really appreciate any help Thanks Mr. P
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