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    canoe21 reacted to cog in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Send you a PM om the memory card problem.
    I can't stand topics without pictures !!!
  2. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello Lawrence..
    Thanks for the visit.  I'm very thankful that the eye surgery was successful and I was able to keep going on the hobby. Next??  Don't know but I don't think I can hang around the shipyard too long without a project.  Problem is we're running out of display space.  Oh well, there are still some walls around with nothing hanging on them.  Charlene sends her regards and asked to be remembered to Bernadette.
  3. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    she looks great Jerry.........you overcame your problems and she was built none the less!  my hat's off to you my friend.......congratz on a wonderful build!  
  4. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Shipyard sid in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Greetings Jerry
    Well this is is very smart indeed. The final photo looks really good, showing off the sleek hull and the reflection on the rigging. Well done young man. Best regards DAVID
  5. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello Popeye...
    Well I still have a little bit to do on the Bluenose.  I;m waiting for a flag to arrive; the one supplied in the kit is too modern for the Bluenose era.  I have some painting touch ups to do and I need to build a cradle for the display case.  But sooner or later I'll get stir crazy and probably will look for something to make.
    Take care,
  6. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    will there be another project on the horizon?
  7. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello Everyone..
    Well, today is the day that for all practical purpose, my "Bluenose" has been completed.  I still need to mount her on a base, run up the Canadian flag and encase her in a display case.  I didn't attach the flag because frankly I don't like the one that came with the kit.  It looks like it has a perpetual erection and certainly doesn't look like it will hang naturally.  So, I'll look around and see what I can find in the next few weeks.  The display case will take some time to arrive and I'm still not sure how I want to mount the model to the base.  She is surprisingly light; I don't think she weighs more than a pound and a half,  so I may stand her on a pair of 2 mm brass wires glued into a finished base.  There's a lot to be said about this kit but I think I'll spare Model Shipways my thoughts so as to not embarrass them and most importantly...myself.  This project took a little more than five months and it would have been quicker than that if I didn't go through the problems with my sight.  So this won't be my last posting but it will probably be a little while before my next one which will wrap up the project.
    I have several more photos which I shall post and unfortunately the ones of the full shot of the ship are not very good due to bad contrast.  A white background hides the natural rigging lines and a dark background eliminates the black lines.  I tried placing the ship on the table in front of my black faced TV set to bring out the natural rigging but as you shall see,  the reflections ruined that.
    Here is the last group of pictures I have and when the ship totallt completed I'll post a few more to finalize this log.
    I wish everyone a very happy evening.

  8. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello Lawrence.
    Thanks for stopping by while making your "rounds."  I certainly appreciate your very nice comments and your visit.  Today, being Sunday, it's football time without any thoughts about Bluenose.  My progress has been good and this build will be completed during the next week.  All I have left is to hang and rig the anchors, build the running light boards, hang the flag and some paint touch ups.  I'm not sure what the next project will be or when it will happen but I know I won't be able to sit around and do nothing.  As soon as I have some more pictures I'll post them to complete this log.  My best regards to Bernadette.
  9. Like
    canoe21 reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    As can be seen in photograph 1 the anchors and anchor cables have been completed and installed.
    You may also notice that I have also installed some cat falls which were not on the plans but have been made to the same design as those on my model of the bomb vessel Granado.
    Photograph 2 shows how the anchor cable has been arranged. Again this has been copied from Granado. The plans suggested coiling the cables flat just aft of the windlass but I thought that since Bounty's anchor cables were 600 ft long this seemed a bit unrealistic. I couldn't find any information on how the cables were fed to the cable tier but know this was somewhere in the hold. I have noticed several versions show the openings in the corner of the main hatch so have stuck to this.
    I have now started on the masts and spars but will leave progress until next time.

  10. Like
    canoe21 reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    Fittings continued...
    The final hull fittings (apart from the Mid Deck capping which was to be fitted later due to its vunerability while working on other deck fittings) were the channels with dead-eyes and chains. Examples of these can be seen in the first two attachments.
    After this the deck fittings a start was made on the deck fittings working from stern to bow.
    The first item was the wheel and steering gear as shown in attachments 3 and 4. This also meant fixing the tiller bar and flag locker. The binnacle was also fitted at this stage and a small chimney added which was not in the kit. I think it is probably a bit larger than it should be but was quite small and difficult to manufacture as it is.
    Next to be fitted will be the mizzen bits and the capstan.

  11. Like
    canoe21 reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    Quite a bit done since my last post so will describe them in stages which explains why some bits not mentioned may be noticed.
    The construction has generally procedure as per manual with the hull fittings the first of which were the timber heads which can be seen in both the first and second photographs along with the swivel gun supports which are shown in all 3 photographs.
    The next item were the head rails and figurehead which are shown in photograph 2. I'm afraid the figurehead is slightly out of focus due to the narrow field of view of the camera.
    Photograph 2 also shows the forward scuttles which were in fact added later.
    Photograph 3 shows the stern windows and decorations with a side view of the quarter gallery. I did in fact modify the latter as the casting supplied had flat tops and bottoms to the windows so I carved some tops (painted Blue) as described in Mckays AOS book.
    Will continue in next post.

  12. Like
    canoe21 reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    Coppering now finished as can be seen from the attached photographs.
    The tiller has now been attached to the rudder using a slightly different method than in the manual. This has been done to enable a frame to be added to the opening in the flag locker as per Mackay's drawings and allow more convenient tiller adjustments (eventually !).
    The rudder straps have been painted bronze and top straps added (assumed to be standard as there is no contact with copper to cause galvanic action) as they was not supplied in the kit.
    Next - bow rails - a tricky job!

  13. Like
    canoe21 reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    As can be seen in photograph 1 the lower shrouds have now been completed with a close-up view of the lower foremast shrouds in photograph 2.
    I am will also starting the ratlines on the lower shrouds as I install the topmast shrouds so as to spread the load so it does not become too monotonous I have already started on these but found the black cord I was using did not hang to well and its twist tended to make them difficult to tie and they did not quite look right. As a result I switched to the 0.1mm white cord provided in the kit and resigned myself to painting them with indian ink. this in fact turned out to be fairly straight forward and they looked much more realistic.
    Will now get started on the topmast shrouds wich will of course be a bit more difficult as the deadeyes are that much smaller.

  14. Like
    canoe21 reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    I haven't posted for a while as I have been completing the running rigging and decided it was not worth posting dozens of photographs showing each bit as I did it. Anyway I have finished it now and the three photographs show the final result. I have some more detailed shots to process and will put them in the next post.

  15. Like
    canoe21 reacted to DanPage in HMAV Bounty by DanPage - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    Thanks for your comments Peter. I'm afraid I don't put any of my mopdels in a glass case, I don't think there would be enough room in the house. As it is 'er indoors' is not too happy and I have to rotate some via my workshop (shed!).
    As I said in my last post I will now present a few photographs showing more details with the final shot showing the model in its final resting place in the lounge.

  16. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Good evening everyone..
    Today was a day that I worked at the bow end of the ship.  There is a pair of bob-stays and guys that run from the front of the bowsprit to the front and both sides of the hull,  seized at both ends.  I plan to install a foot rope under the bowsprit in my next session even though the practicum doesn't call for it but the plans show it.  I can't imagine the sailors crawling on the bowsprit to get to the end of it without a foot rope to stabilize them.  I'm also constructing the anchors which I hope to hang tomorrow as well as attaching the rudder along with their gudgeons and pintles.  The catheads supplied in the kit were very fragile and I made the mistake of installing them early in the build..I constantly hit them with my arm and eventually they twisted and broke. I highly recommend not installing these until the anchors are ready at the end of the construction.  I fashioned my own catheads which can be clearly seen in the picture.Then comes the running lights and the flag. Some painting touch up will follow that and if all goes as planned this Bluenose should be finished in a week or ten days.  Here are some additional photos bringing the build to date.
    I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  17. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello David...
    Thank you for the "young man" reference.  I wish it were true but things are really pretty good these days.  And thanks for the photos of the two relics which I see are not anywhere near Cutty Sark in stature.
    It was easier to to do the top mast rat lines having the ship sit on the floor than on the table.  It's a lot easier for me to maneuver when at that height.
    Bluenose is number 5 not counting Curry Sark but why eliminate Cutty Sark from my fantastic accomplishments.  Just kidding of course.
    I think I have about two or three more weeks before finishing Bluenose and then I will probably take a hiatus and try something else for awhile.  I need to get my mind going in another direction while I still have time to accomplish something.  I might write another play because I thought of a situation that might make a very funny plot.
    Anyway, thanks for getting in touch and I hope things go well for you from now on.
    Best regards,
    Here are some pictures to bring Bluenose up to date...












  18. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello Doug..
    Thank you so much for letting me know that my log has helped you somewhat.  It's good to know that my efforts have helped somebody.  I don't mind maintaining a log as it also provides me with a chronological record of my work.  I'm getting into the home stretch now and I believe that I'll finish this model in a month or so.  I hope you have a great weekend.
    Here are some more pictures to bring my progress up to date.






  19. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Shipyard sid in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Greetings young man
    Hope you are both keeping well. Well I thought it was time to peruse the log of your latest build, which I believe is number five not including the Cutty Sark, which I have been down to see three times this year, and also been around it once since it's restoration. It's more or less a straight tube run from my sons in Edgware. The National maritime museum is only ten minutes away from the Cutty Sark and really worth visiting. Any way it's good to be back and see how thing are going. So you will soon finish your bluenose which has gone really well, as have your previous builds. So what is next?? I must say I am a little perplexed as to why you are building your bluenose on the floor. Is it to stop you dropping it ?? What does also concern me a bit, is I hope you don't think the bluenose is submarine. Anyway keep up the good work and take care. I will catch you later. Best wishes. DAVID, Photos HMS Trincomalee, Hartlepool. Golden Hind London .

  20. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello Lawrence..
    Good to see you back again.  I hope you and Bernadette had a terrific holiday and that you are back and getting ready for the snow.  Looks like you'll have to convert your mower to a snow blower again; I heard there's going to be a lot of snow coming your way this winter.  I'm having a real good time working on this model; I'm so thankful that my eye problem didn't stop me and that I'm seeing well enough to continue.
    No sails...Now you know better than that, Lawrence, I like to keep the rigging exposed and bedsides, sails are dust collectors..
    So welcome back to civilization and to many happy days on finishing your Bounty.
    Best to Bernie
  21. Like
    canoe21 reacted to captainbob in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Good to know, Lawrence.  I'll have to look into it.
  22. Like
    canoe21 reacted to captainbob in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Thanks, Nils
    Glad to have you aboard. Frank.
    Lawrence, Phoebe's a nice boat and, yes, you need to build her.
    Popeye as you know, building your dozen or so boats, you need to keep the boatyard busy or the workers get lazy and nothing gets done.
    You're right, Rodger.  I keep forgetting about the help.
    We'll get started soon.
  23. Like
    canoe21 reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Hi Lawrence and Thanks. The lathe is really nice to have even though I don't use it to it's full capabilities yet. As far as being justifiable, mine has not reached that point, but when I retired I had a one time time chance to buy my tools and I went for it. So the bank may be able to take my house but the tools are mine!!!      
  24. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Good afternoon everyone...
    Today has been another good day in the dry dock.  I'm very happy to have finished the rat lines, needless to say, a very boring part of this experiment.  But as I said this has been  a good day because I managed to complete the rest of the standing rigging so all the stays are now in place.  Tomorrow I hope to start rigging the gaffs and see how far I can go.  
    Here are some pictures to bring the project up to date.

  25. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello Everyone.
    Today is a very happy day for me.  I completed the ratlines!! I believe that this is the most boring part of the build,  It took me much longer than I anticipated to which i blame my vision problem  However, thank the good Lord because I was able to do it in spite of my problem.  I really shouldn't complain because when I think back to my HMS Victory days and the huge number of clove hitches I tied compared to a couple of hundred on this model, I guess it wasn't so bad after all.    The point is I shouldn't complain.  
    I want to finish the chain plates next; I'm planing to simulate them with black construction paper.
    Hera are the latest pictures which included the starboard chain plates.

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