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This is my second Bounty kit made to replace the original which was sold to a friend.


The kit follows the usual plank on bulkhead format but before fitting the the keel and stem to the false keel, the back edge of the false keel was chamfered from 5mm down to 2mm. This was so that after planking the the back edges of the planking could be sanded down to 5mm (the width of the stern post) without reducing the plank thickness to zero.


The stern post was not to be fitted until planking was completed and sanded to the correct thickness.


Photo1 shows the false keel, keel and stem piece. The chamfer mentioned is not noticeable in this photo but can be seen more clearly in Photo 4.


Photo 2 shows the bulkheads dry fitted before the edges of frames 1-4 and 8-11 were roughly chamfered to allow the proper seating for the planks.


At this stage I also decided to set up my final mounting system using two pedestals as this would be easier to deal with at this stage. Photo 3 shows this with the bulkheads chamfered and glued and Photo 4 shows the stern in more detail.


I now have to shape and fit the termination patterns at the stem, fit the false deck and then can begin planking.





Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




Thanks Mathewp and Klimi for your encouragements.


Progress report : The stem termination patterns chamfered and fitted and 1st planking started as shown in photo Bounty4.


The chamfered termination patterns can be seen in detail in photo 5.


I will now be continuing with the planking and will keep you updated as I progress.




Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)



  • 3 weeks later...

Build update : At last the 1st planking is complete. Not the most beautiful job as can be seen from Photos 6-8 but ok to support 2nd planking.

Since before starting the 2nd planking, the stern facia and counter had to be fitted. I thought it might be easier to fit the stern windows on the bench rather than after the facia was mounted on the model. This was only a temporary fitting but gave me the opportunity to try a suggestion that the plastic disc from an old 5 1/4 in floppy disc provides a dark reflective glazing. My efforts are shown in photos 9 & 10.

Photo 11 shows the counter fitted and Photo 12 the 1st plank of the 2nd planking.










Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




Hi Dan,


A very nice start on your Bounty. All the best with your build and I will follow with interest.




Build Log: Billing - Cutty Sark


In The Gallery: HMS Unicorn, HMAV Bounty, L'Etoile, Marie Jeanne, Lilla Dan, Zeeschouw "Irene"


A Toast: To a wind that blows, A ship that goes, And the lass that loved a sailor!


Hi everyone.


Thanks for your comments.


Peter : Nice to hear from you again.


The Sailor : I have just been looking at your Pickle build, nice job! I agree with you about the walnut planks. My 2nd planking seems to be taking an age. I have almost finished from the wale down. Will publish a photo when that phase is finished.


ZyXuz : I wouldn't describe the 2nd planking as a breeze as is mentioned above, the planks are rather brittle and are not that easy to shape. It's not too bad a job though and I have nearly reached the sanding stage.



Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)






Finally finished 2nd Planking. Photographs attached - prior to sanding down which is the next job which has already been started. 


I have also been working on fitting the stern post but can not finally fit this until sanding is finished. The stern fascia is also all ready to attach.


You may have noticed that the planks appear to be different shades. In fact all the planks are darker on one side and lighter on the other. I initially didn't think this mattered  as I thought the darker side would lighten on sanding. This however does not happen but  I didn't worry about this for the hull below the water line as this will covered by the copper plating but selected the lighter side for the upper part of the hull as this will remain unpainted.







Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




She looks great Dan and a bit of sanding should give the wood a nice finish. Looking forward to the hull treatment already!





Build Log: Billing - Cutty Sark


In The Gallery: HMS Unicorn, HMAV Bounty, L'Etoile, Marie Jeanne, Lilla Dan, Zeeschouw "Irene"


A Toast: To a wind that blows, A ship that goes, And the lass that loved a sailor!




Latest progress : The general rubbing down of the 2nd planking completed and the stern post and stern fascia added.


At this stage I deviated slightly from the instruction sheet and added the wale planks. This was done so that the waterline (which is just below the wale) could be marked. This then enabled sanding sealer to be applied to those parts of the upper hull and the hull between the wale and the waterline which were to be left with a natural finish. This has now been done and I will be reverting to the standard instruction sequence.






Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




The wales having been completed, the upper hull was sealed with sanding sealer and varnished.

The wales were then masked and painted and the yellow ochre strip added immediately above the wales. These strips were painted first to avoid awkward painting problems.

A similar process was carried out for the blue band, the yellow upper rail and the lower capping rails which were painted black with a yellow edge. These features can be seen in Photo 18.

Before the capping rails were fitted, the tops of the first 3 bulkheads were removed and the inner bulwarks planked and painted red so as to avoid getting paint on the deck later.

The aft bulwark patterns were the fitted and planked inside and out as can be seen in Photo 19.

It was also felt convenient to fit the lower stern finishing pieces at this stage.

Next up will be the deck planking. 





Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




Greeting Danny

This is a cracking build. And I look forward to following your progress. This was my first build back in the late 70s. The billing version which I also sold. Just enjoy your build and there will be lots of us enjoying watching you. DAVID


Hi David

Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




Hi David

   Thanks for your comment.  Sorry about the double reply I pressed the wrong key. (Warning... Pressing Tab produces an immediate post!)

   I don't know if you could answer a query of mine regarding the situation of the cable tier on the Bounty. It is not mentioned in The Anatomy book although it does mention that the Bounty had 3 X 600 ft anchor cables. In the Caldercraft plans the anchor cable is shown coiled up on the deck aft of the windlass but I think putting 600 ft of cable there would be most unlikely. I think the cable probably lead through some sort of opening into the hold. Was this the case with your Billings version?



Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)



Posted (edited)

Hello Danny

Alas I cannot recall the position of the anchor cables, but I think it may be worth having a chat with flipperphil who is at the moment building the billing bounty. You could also check out a construction of the bounty by...... Mark willemain hms bounty..... Which shows the cables running from the windlass and disappearing through the deck aft of the windlass. Regards DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid

Hi David

Thanks for your response to my query regarding Bounty's cable storage.

I have had a look at flipperphil's build log and he shows a photograph with the cable also coiled close to the windlass.

I couldn't find the Mark willemain reference but found 2 in the gallery (by ARG and johannesludo5) which show as you say the cables

passing through the deck aft of the windlass.

I also found another photograph (attached) on another site which showed a similar arrangement but the holes are sited just aft of the companionway next to the windlass the cables passing through small wooden grommets. I have no information on which kit this was or if it was a scratch build.


Thanks again for your suggestions





Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




More progress :


I have at long last finished planking the deck as can be seen in the attached photographs.

It is the first time I have tried marking the edges with a black marker pen and the results do not seem too bad although a little uneven.

I have also added the inner support timbers to the aft bulkheads which I wanted to add after the deck was finished.

A further addition was the breast hook. This item was not included with the kit but is a fairly promminent feature so thought I would add it. I made it from some scrap to the dimensions shown in Mackays's book. I also bored the hawse holes at the same time as their position was more critical when the breast hook was in place.

I also made up the flag locker (not shown in the photographs) so as to help when finishing off the stern area.

Finally as suggested in the manual I fitted the rudder before beginning the next major job of laying the copper plates. This, in fact proved to bee quite a long process as the parts were a bit too large and had to be filed down to enable the rudder to be removed and replaced later.








Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)






Copper plating started as can be seen from the attached photographs.


Photo Bounty24 shows the technique used which is based on the method used by Keith Julier in his articles on constructing the Victory in Model Boats magazine.

Starting at the centre where the waterline is straight, the plates were fixed in layers of two and one until a batten laid across the most recent plate(s) cuts the waterline at its extremes. The line of this batten was marked and plates laid along it as shown.

The remaining plates are then fixed from the keel upward shaping them as required.

The result produces a similar result to that shown in Mackay's Anatomy book.

The photo actually shows the starboard side the port side already having been completed as shown in the other two photographs.







Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)



  • 2 weeks later...

Coppering now finished as can be seen from the attached photographs.


The tiller has now been attached to the rudder using a slightly different method than in the manual. This has been done to enable a frame to be added to the opening in the flag locker as per Mackay's drawings and allow more convenient tiller adjustments (eventually !).


The rudder straps have been painted bronze and top straps added (assumed to be standard as there is no contact with copper to cause galvanic action) as they was not supplied in the kit.


Next - bow rails - a tricky job!











Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




Hi Richard


Thanks for the comment. I am reasonably happy with the result but I found I had to do an awful lot of shaping with the method used.


I think I might replace a few of the plates now I have finished and have a few spares,



Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)



  • 4 weeks later...

Quite a bit done since my last post so will describe them in stages which explains why some bits not mentioned may be noticed.


The construction has generally procedure as per manual with the hull fittings the first of which were the timber heads which can be seen in both the first and second photographs along with the swivel gun supports which are shown in all 3 photographs.


The next item were the head rails and figurehead which are shown in photograph 2. I'm afraid the figurehead is slightly out of focus due to the narrow field of view of the camera.


Photograph 2 also shows the forward scuttles which were in fact added later.


Photograph 3 shows the stern windows and decorations with a side view of the quarter gallery. I did in fact modify the latter as the casting supplied had flat tops and bottoms to the windows so I carved some tops (painted Blue) as described in Mckays AOS book.


Will continue in next post.







Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)




Fittings continued...


The final hull fittings (apart from the Mid Deck capping which was to be fitted later due to its vunerability while working on other deck fittings) were the channels with dead-eyes and chains. Examples of these can be seen in the first two attachments.


After this the deck fittings a start was made on the deck fittings working from stern to bow.


The first item was the wheel and steering gear as shown in attachments 3 and 4. This also meant fixing the tiller bar and flag locker. The binnacle was also fitted at this stage and a small chimney added which was not in the kit. I think it is probably a bit larger than it should be but was quite small and difficult to manufacture as it is.


Next to be fitted will be the mizzen bits and the capstan.








Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)



  • 1 month later...

The Caldercraft kits look like they are good quality Danny. You're making nice progress and she is looking much better than mine. I'm now wishing I spent the extra on a better kit. Very nice work Danny.


Thanks for your kind comments Mathew. I personally think the Caldercraft kits are the best and I have made others.

 I have actually made a lot more progress on my Bounty and will be updating my log soon. In fact I have almost finished all the hull and fittings and have started on the masts.



Previous buildsFlower Class Corvette (Modified plastic kit), Westbourne PLA Tug (Caldercraft),  Nordkap fishing boat (Billings)

                         Titanic (Hachette), Norske Love (Billings), Unicorn frigate (Corel), Granado (Caldercraft), Bounty (Caldercraft)


Current build :   HMS Bounty (Again!)



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