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Posts posted by texxn5

  1. Oh, I've got the plan figured out, but when I figure out the technical parts, I proceed while my pea brain can remember what I need to do, so now that I'm up and running, I'll be able to hopefully post easily since I'll only have 2 things to work on instead of 10-12.....lol...So, with that said, I think I'm on my own pace now, and will be "steady as she goes"....posting as progress is made, and ............

  2. OK, guys, as promised I am setting up this build log well into the model. I originally started this model at age of 19 in college...it survived up until a few years ago and was destroyed by an ex during a divorce when she was about 80% finished....so restarted in 2009 and got to the point I'll show in pictures to be posted soon. Life changes caused a halt on modeling in 2010, and I moved to Costa Rica for a year in between. Thankfully, the Connie survived. So, now with a "new" life, I have started her again, and my new Fleet Commander actually likes ship models....so with that said, I am now restarting the Connie, as well as working on my newly acquired wood model, the C.W. Morgan, shown on a separate build log on this site, titles: "C.W. Morgan - by - Texxn5 JohnF - MS 1:64 Kit" for anyone interested. So, I have reformatted my camera to fit the proper size, and will post pictures tomorrow. Unfortunately for this build, I have no prior pictures even though I took pictures of every step...someone stole my laptop in Costa Rica, so I lost them all, including a log I started for myself...I had a backup external hard drive, but they got it too, so I lost all. So the best I can do is start here and go forward. The model is complete up to the Running Rigging. I have the Foremast pretty well done, and currently working on the Main Mast. All yards are done and ready to be hung, and I have the Mainyard hung with the Jeers done. I'll post current pictures tomorrow. Enjoy the ride, and hopefully I'll be finished soon so I can devote 100% to the Morgan.



    11-5-14 Photographs of this build of the USS Constitution are featured on my website in the Gallery pages. My current build of the Charles W Morgan is also featured along with other model ship building information.



  3. Thanks Popeye, yep, lotsa bling....can't wait to start showing it off...I think by resetting my camera, I have it figured out.   Took almost as long to figure out the camera as it did to figure out the website download procedure.  Hopefully I'll remember this tomorrow.  Gonna run some Leech and Bunt lines on my Mainyard for the Connie tonight before I go to bed.....thanks for the input, and if I  have problems....I'lll be in touch....

  4. Yes Augie, it's amazing how the bs just seems to flow on this site...makes me wonder how we get anything done on our ships as we spend so much time on these magnificent flying machines we use to talk around the world...lol...I think I'll have a new rank by the end of the night at the rate we're going....not that RHIP, but who knows....maybe knowledge can go with it....

  5. All comments, criticisms, advice, etc.. is welcome. This is totally new to me, and I will be seeking advice from evryone, so please feel free to let me have it when you see fit....not you Augie....from Sjors, it appears to be expected...so the journey is started, and I will be working on both ships, I want to get the Connie out of the way very soon, so I can get serious about the Morgan....

  6. Well.....she's started!   Among the various posting and learning things......I got her goin'  .... first picture is posted, now all I have to do is remember what I did to get it posted...lol...The Voyage has Begun.....bad weather tomorrow....probably won't be able to work outside on the patio....rain and cold damn weather....gonna get in the 50's overnight....brrrrr....shiver me timbers.....don't know what I did Augie.......but I'll try to keep it goin'.......

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