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Posts posted by texxn5

  1. Well I guess what I should say at this point is I got it started.  Sometimes I've heard that getting started is the hardest part...man I hope that is true.  Got the Keel ready to start with bulkheads.  The kit is unpacked, semi-organized, and started.  Got the Build Log started, and managed to get a picture uploaded....by the way....You are welcome Sjors.....oops, pardon me Captain, no disrespect intended.......me days spent on the Carrier get to me some days.....probably what's wrong with me now.....longing for the open sea.....

  2. Thanks Grant, I just managed to get a profile picture posted, I've got some build photos to post, however, I had a real hard time posting the profile pic because of size.  I use Picassa, and also have a very hi res camera Sony 12 mpx ... the format didn't like the size of the file....any suggestions?  Picassa doesn't allow me to change the size of the pictures.  I used Gravatar for the profile change, and got it through, do I have to do this to all uploaded pictures?

  3. Thanks again guys. I look forward to this venture, and with everyone's help and bs, this should be a great ride. I have been on Morgan a number of times, spent a week in Mystic a few years back, stayed at the Mystic Inn, and since it was sold out, they gave me The Mansion at the Inn. It's an old Sea Captain's house up on the hill behind the Inn. It is where Bogart and Bacall spent their honeymoon, and even came with a private butler....looks like the old Captain's lived well when ashore. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I took pictures knowing that some day I would build the model, but consequently lost them all due to divorce. I ploan to go back again, probably in August since I have to go to a wedding in Philly...close enough from here to go to Mystic, and Boston to see the Connie again. I'm into the running rigging on her, and hope to finish her soon. I'll post pictures when I can, and when I figure out how to do it. John

  4. Hi JP, I've just read your log....looks good, and the pictures and discriptions wil greatly help me get my Morgan started. It seems they are quite similar in construction, so this will really help. Thanks for your encouragment, and I look forward to your posts. I got my log started today, and hopefully will be adding pictures and progress reports soon. Keep up the good work....the link is: "C.W. Morgan - by - Texxn5 JohnF - MS - 1:64 Kit" I hope to get started on the actual ship maybe today or tomorrow.

  5. Hi guys, since I am new at this I hope that it has been set up properly, and I don't get Capn's Mast before I get started. I'll be trying to post some pictures later today as I get started. This will be a slow progress as I am in no hurry, I am also completing a Revell Constitution, I'm retired - and I do have a life besides model ship building...cooking and good cold beer do come first...life does have priorities you know. I'm not sure if shipbuilding causes me to drink my beer or drinking beer causes me to build ships....that one is still being investigated, but so far no results...gotta have my Grog....not much of a Rum drinker, so daily Rations won't help much, however a good Malt Whiskey never hurt....


    Anyway, back to ships. This kit has been of interest for many years, and I now have the opportunity to do my first wood ship. I have scratch built models of oilfield production equipment from wood and have enjoyed doing that for many years, so the wood, being intimidating but not overwhelming should be fun - but slow, so bear with me guys, and I'll try to keep current.


    Let the voyage begin....Bon Voyage and if I can get the pictures downloaded, I should be posting them soon....


    Hello interested individuals, an update for this build log is that as of 10-10-2014 I have transferred my interest in building this log to my own website. If you are interested in following this please click on the link below to go to the website. There are quite a few pages of pictures in this log (MSW)that are missing due to a glitch that occurred earlier in the year. Therefore, I have committed my time to my own log, which has a lot of information for building this model in it. Sorry for any inconvenience, however, I think you'll like it better than this log. My site has a complete Build Log in it up to the point that I currently am at in the build. MSW is a wonderful site, and one can learn much from it. Please follow your friends and their logs here it will be rewarding.


    the link is: http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com




  6. yeah, 7 whaleboats, might do one today and see what happens, also looking at the keep and bulkheads to get started - something visible for encouragement. Looking right now at the information for starting the build log. I'm going to try and get that up and going today. At least on the whaleboats, 3 of them flipped upside down and stored on deck, so any screwups will hopefully be hidden.

  7. Sounds good Augie, I'll work on getting that log set up. Groundhogs are the scapegoat this year.....the weather men have to blame someone since they're never wrong. Thanks to MTaylor for the post on that Guide. I scanned a few places trying to find info, and that was an excellent article with a lot of pictures. It made me want to build the Morgan, and so here I am. I've looked at the model for a number of years now, and so I'm going to see what happens.

  8. Oh, for those interested, I did find a "Guide to Scratch-building the Tryworks for MS CW Morgan Kit", by Gerald Spargo, on one of the sites, but I can't remember where I found it. I will look up the link and post it soon. It is why I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and do this one. By the way Augie, sorry for crossing the line and talking about a ship besides the Siren....should I try to get the log going on the Morgan, so it doesn't distract from your build?....

  9. HI guys, thanks for the encouragement. I'll start trying to figure out how to post a build log, and try to get it up and running. Jpet...not real sure what you're asking about the CM post. My direct email if that's allowed here is texxn5@aol.com and anyone is welcome to contact me there. This forum is exactly what I need to help keep this thing going. Thanks again, and this is going to be fun....I think..lol

  10. HI Augie, yes I have the instructions that came with the kit...it is complete as far as I can tell, I also have the parts list. I found a few pictures on another site but they are after the hull has been planked and the deck planked. I didn't find anything on MSW on the Morgan. Thanks for the link, though. I'll start a build log on this one also, soon, but it would help if I could find some pictures since this is a new animal for me..lol.

  11. Hello Augie, things are looking good. Well, just as I got started on the Connie, my CW Morgan (MS) arrived. Kind of interrupted Running Rigging...lol...had to unpack it and drool. Hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew. Does anyone know of a "Practicum" on the Morgan? That could sure help. I'll probably be working on both ships at the same time for now or until I finish up the Connie. This being my first wood ship it appears a little intimidating. Bought it on eBay for a good price so that helps some...but, no problem, probably just going to be a slow proces...Keep up the good work, and your pictures sure help for my anticipated problems that will be coming.

  12. Looks good Andy.  I'm working on rigging the Main Yard...I decided to do each yard all the way through before moving to the next...mostly trying to deal with the congestion that starts to accumulate....don't want to break something.  I'm done with the yards as far as footlines, and blocks, so just now attaching the Main Yard to the ship.  Foremast is completed already.  Please keep the pictures going...sure helps trying to figure all this out.

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