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  1. Hi friends, Sorry for the delay, didn´t see your post. Here is the link to the document: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2yu6qgjz0u1ppib2fbh8o/Nepomuceno_foro-XXX.pdf?rlkey=d340xbny46ehpdgx62osopfss&dl=0 Alejandro Y.
  2. Hello again, As far I know there are no plans of that model available for the public. There are some drawings and several pages explaining the design process of the model published in the catalog of the exposition “Fuimos los primeros” made in the Museo Naval past year. Unfortunately the book is currently out of print. Of course you must consider that this model is an expeculative one, desgined taken in consideration known data given by Pigafetta, and Albo about the ship, data found in spanish archives from other ships of similar size and shipbuilding methods of the age. Naval Museum have many acts scheduled from present days to 2022, maybe there is a posibility that they will publish a monograpy about Magallanes ships. Here is a link of a video (in spanish) made by Luis Fariñas (one of the model buiders) who explain the ship hull design process. Second part will be available in december: La construcción de la réplica de la Nao Victoria para el Museo Naval de Madrid. 1ª parte - YouTube Alejandro
  3. Hello from Spain Forgive me for my bad english. That is a model built and exposed at the "Museo Naval" in Madrid, Spain. As far I know the research for the model design was made in the museum by Professor Francisco Fernadez Gonzalez and the museum modellers team. Its supposed to be the most accurated of El Cano´s Nao Victoria interpretation. Here you can find some photos I took of that model: Alejandro Yañez | Flickr Hope you like them. Alejandro
  4. Hi Guillermo and others Some time ago Drop box changed "something" in its configuration and so original links does not work. Here you have a new link to an updated version of my work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zgqth0227i2ew76/Navío San Juan Nepomuceno.pdf?dl=0 Added some stuff relative to anchor, boats, lanterns, etc. New text is written in blue. Currently I´m working in a rigging plan of the ship, but this Will take me a lot of time.... Hope you like it. Alejandro Y.
  5. Hello As and addenda to my previous work on San Juan Nepomuceno, I´ve prepared some notes about XVIII Century Spanish Navy flags and ensigns. Sorry but I´m not good enough in english, so text is only in spanish. Here is the link to download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwowjie86cbl41s/Banderas_e_insignias.pdf?dl=0 Hope you will like it, Alejandro Y.
  6. Thankyou friends for your interest. Sorry Frolic , my study of San Juan Nepomuceno is only in pdf format, no book. It is only an amateur work. In the begining my interest was only to get info for detailing Artesania Latina´s San Juan Nepomuceno kit. I live in Madrid, so I can visit Spanish Naval Museum. There are not only model there, they also let free acces to the museum archives. Even is posible to take freely photos of their books or manuscrips. They also sell digital copys of shipplans kept there. Spanish shipbuilding in XVIII century, after Gaztañeta died, was heavily influenced by french, then by british, again by french, and latter developed into a own style represented by Romero Landa (Santa Ana, San Ildefonso, and others SOL). San Juan Nepomuceno was built in 1766 by french naval builder Gautier, who ruled shipbuilding from 1765 to 1783, if you study her lines and frames you will find it similar to french warships of her age. Fort the ones interested in spanish shipbuilding or naval history, here you have some usefull links. All of them written in spanish: First of all, I suggest you to download the frigates book linked previously by Anaga. Is the best book ever written on that subjet. Spanish Navy Museum in Madrid http://www.armada.mde.es/ArmadaPortal/page/Portal/ArmadaEspannola/ciencia_museo/prefLang_es/ Catalog of ship plans collection kept at Museo Naval de Madrid (is possible to order, at very low price, if you compare to NMM). http://www.armada.mde.es/ArmadaPortal/page/Portal/ArmadaEspannola/multimedia_galeria/prefLang_en/21_fotografia_historica--coleccion-planos-buques Spanish navy ship plans (this time modern ones, downloadables) http://www.armada.mde.es/ArmadaPortal/page/Portal/ArmadaEspannola/mardigital_biblioteca/prefLang_es/17_modelismo-naval--02_planos-historicos-buques-armada Miguel Godoy´s site. Godoy is chief modeller at Museo Naval de Madrid http://www.miguelgodoy.es/ Spanish Navy´s History and Naval Culture Institute. Lot of interesting info here. http://www.armada.mde.es/ArmadaPortal/page/Portal/ArmadaEspannola/ciencia_ihcn/prefLang_es/ History magazine published by Spanish Navy´s History and Naval Culture Institute. You can download them http://www.armada.mde.es/ArmadaPortal/page/Portal/ArmadaEspannola/mardigital_revistas/prefLang_es/03_revistaHistoriaNaval--01_catalogoRevista Monographic Issues of the same magazine. Also downloadable http://www.armada.mde.es/ArmadaPortal/page/Portal/ArmadaEspannola/mardigital_revistas/prefLang_es/04_cuadernosIH?_pageAction=first Impressive photo gallery about real size reconstruction of XVI Century whaleship “San Juan” https://www.flickr.com/photos/koldoaingeru/sets/72157647797885246/ Artiñano “clasic” book about Spanish wooden naval shipbuilding http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000165122&page=1 Several downloadable books about spanish sailing ships. The ones about Galleons are a must have. https://independent.academia.edu/CayetanoHormaecheaArenaza Antonio Gaztañeta´s notebook written during the building of Galeon “Nuestra Señora de la Concepción y de las Animas”. http://www.um.es/catedranaval/docs/Arte%20de%20fabricar%20Reales%20(original).pdf Interesting text about Spanish XVIII century shipbuilding https://pinake.wordpress.com/2012/10/18/navios-espanoles-del-siglo-xviii-i/ Encyclopedia of spanish shipbuilding of first half of XVIII century. A must have http://www.armada.mde.es/ArmadaPortal/page/Portal/ArmadaEspannola/multimedia_galeria/prefLang_en/21_fotografia_historica--coleccion-marques-victoria http://www.um.es/catedranaval/docs/MDLV.pdf Interesting downloadable book about history and building of spanish SOL at Trafalgar. It includes several plans https://www.facebook.com/juancarlosmejiastavero/posts/426459410881239 Gautier´s wood regulations for building 70 guns ships http://www.europeana.eu/portal/record/2022701/oai_rebae_mcu_es_178148.html?utm_source=api&utm_medium=api&utm_campaign=MOXSFEAGWV Romero Landa´s wood regulation for building ships, from frigates to 100 gun ships http://www.europeana.eu/portal/record/9200376/BibliographicResource_3000100245005.html?utm_source=api&utm_medium=api&utm_campaign=MOXSFEAGWV Beautiful color plate of spanish SOL San Ildefonso, buit by Romero Landa http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000185376 Downloadable book about spanish shipbuilder Romero Landa and his designs. A must have. http://www.udc.gal/export/sites/udc/publicacions/_galeria_down/librariadixital/JoseRomeroFLanda.pdf Downloadable book SOL Santísima Trinidad http://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/37296020/Santisima_Trinidad_140_Razones_para_la_historia.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1459167616&Signature=s1tQkQcWmckc6ZSIfio2pBuE5PY%3D&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3DSantisima_Trinidad_140_razones_para_la_h.pdf
  7. Thanks for your kind comments, I´m glad to know you like my "apuntes" Alejandro
  8. Hello to everybody My name is Alejandro Yañez, from Spain; I registered in your forum several years ago, into “reading only category”, as I´m a frustrated modeler (when children came, wife decided there was no room at home for all, and so my unfinished Artesania Latina´s “San Juan Nepomuceno” lies stored in a closet waiting for a better time,...) While making the model I decided to improve my model, and began to investigate Spanish XVIII century shipbuilding. As model building had to stop, I continued with my studies about the real “San Juan Nepomuceno” and Spanish shipbuilding of her age. The result of all this is a “booklet” about 300 págs. I decided to share my investigations with modelers community in Spain (Foro de Modelismo Naval), and now with you, as I think Spanish shipbuilding is little known outside Spain. You can download it from this link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47335803/Nepomuceno_foro.pdf The work is divided in two parts, first one is “San Juan Nepomuceno” history, and the second covers the study of the ship. This one is supported with drawings and photos of models exposed in “Museo Naval de Madrid” (Spanish Navy Museum) Most photos in my work are from an incredible detailed model there exposed, this is not the real “San Juan Nepomuceno” but a contemporary model from the french shipbuilder François Gautier (designer and builder of Nepomuceno), and so, very useful to study Gautier building system in Spain (1765-1784), also known as “French fashion” in opposition to the previous one developed by Jorge Juan, known as “British fashion”. There is one “big problem” ....is it´s written in Spanish! Hope you like it Alejandro,
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