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Everything posted by Tonphil1960

  1. Looking great. Love those clamps. How are the screws fastened in the clamp ? I need to build some myself.
  2. Absolutely an incredible project. I too have a big interest in tools and tooling. Your tooling and jigs are fantastic. Tony
  3. Oh Ok thanks Ill look into it from Ancre. I think I inquired last time at Staples but it was for printing and enlarging not for copies. It was several hundreds of dollars though !
  4. Really looking great. Did you take the plans and have them enlarged to 1/24 ? I've looked into having it done for other ships and it costs several hundred dollars. I like the larger scale myself but am not going to spend that kind of money.
  5. Hi, Your Rochefort is coming along just great. This is going to be my next scratch plank on frame build (my second total) after I'm done with my Blandford section. How did you arrive at the materials needed ? I haven't gone over the plans yet but am curious as to how we arrive at a materials list and the easiest way to go about it. Thanks Tony
  6. Great clean work ! I have the book and monograph here also. I'm trying to figure out how to make up a materials list for the lumber needed. Is this list available anywhere ? Ill go through the monograph and book again to see if I can glean any more info on it. Thanks Tony
  7. Very interested in this. I have the Sorolla book and the Delecroix monograph. How did you determine the materials needed ? Amount, dimensions, type of wood etc. I have really looked closely yet, is there a list somewhere to be had ? Thanks Tony
  8. As close to perfection as it gets.
  9. Exactly, hopefully I’ll be in by summer or fall next year.
  10. Hi Scott, I’m in the same boat. Plastic builder forever just getting ready to take the plunge into wooden ships. I’m in Ocean Co.
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