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Everything posted by Tonphil1960

  1. Yes I’ll put the keelson I made aside and see how it looks when the frames are in. Building it to fit is the way to go. If the rising wood slots and keelson slots aren’t spot on it’s going to be a mess. I still have to figure out how I’m going to cut the slots in the frames. That’s going to be a headache. I may make new rising wood too to make sure that’s a good fit also. Thanks. Happy New Year !
  2. Thanks Mark, yes I finally got my keel together it’s drying now. It’s not bad but it’s not great either. In the bigger picture though small flaws aren’t as noticeable when they’re attached to an entire ship. One thing I just saw going through your log again is you built the keelson after you installed all the frames. I built a keelson but I see if I wait I can build it to fit perfectly to fit its place and especially the frames. That’s what I’ll do.
  3. Mark, no matter which other refs I have and or other builds to follow for advice yours is the one, Tobias's will be another. Looking again closely since I've started mine I may as well just throw all of it in the bin and start over !! I won't bet its tempting. Your joinery is fantastic. Tony
  4. Very nice. She’s going to be big. Looking forward to seeing it progress. Tony
  5. Mark, we've been following your excellent work all this time. You must rig it if only to keep your followers happy !
  6. So clean ! That interior planking and other work makes me say that 1/24 would be easier no doubt. Those clamps just have a block on the other side ? I’m going to make a few.
  7. So great to see an update ! I'm still up in the air if I should start mine soon or not. Still have to buy the lumber. You were wise to go to 1/24 I think. more material but easier of handling of the parts I'd say. I hope this log stays forever cuz Ill need it for every step. There isn't very many Rochefort scratch builds out there in cyber land.
  8. Ok yes, big, very impressive. You're doing clean beautiful work. Kudos
  9. Looks great Mark. What's the reason for the two different nails. some black some white ! How long is she in 1/24 ?
  10. Thanks , I doubt I can spend that much $$. The Micro Mark is a clone of the larger Proxxon so I think, hope it'll do the job. I have the smaller Proxxon and its pretty poor. I managed to struggle through my section build but the time wasted just trying to cut material is huge !
  11. Looking great Mark. Yea I don't know what that line is for but I found that yes it needs to be moved up on certain drawings. As you said though its not critical. I'm seriously thinking of going up to 1/24 also for ease of handling the parts and ease of working inside the hull etc. The down side is more material and more work to cut the heavier lumber. Need to get the Byrnes or Micro mark 4' saw asap
  12. Mark, very critical question. On page 53,55 and 57 in the Ancre book it says line 6 should be moved up by 7.5mm. What is this ? What did you do with this ? Seems a very important measurement to just have notes on the page for it. thanks Tony
  13. Beautiful clean work. I know Ill use your build as a reference when I start mine. Framing the hull I'm dreading a bit but once i get rolling it should go smoother.
  14. I see what you mean but that has to be very difficult to plank in a tight area like that. how can you even measure anything in that tight corner ? There's always a point where we draw the line and say, no good do it over. Frustrating to say the least.
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