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Everything posted by Oliver1973

  1. The 5th timelapse from the constrction of La Belle is now online.
  2. New breasthook and the hawsepipes. The hawsepipes are soldered in silver.
  3. My new site is now online. A lot of topics are still under construction. But the result at this point, is not so bad i hope. https://www.olivers-historic-shipyard.com/
  4. Thank you for the comment and all the likes. The Deck was more or less 60 hours work on CAD. The reconstruction tooks a lot of time.
  5. The latest timelapse to my project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X41V6gc1KMc
  6. Space, space, space..... its good to have. The table is a very good idea and a nice built. 👍
  7. 29 Floréal CCXXX; The last frame is raised and I removed the support board. Now we see the beautiful lines of this ship. I started to sand the inside of the hull to get the smooth and correct shape. @garyshipwright Thank you very much. But with your project and your skill, you doesn´t need any inspirations from others.
  8. Thanks to all for the comments,all the likes and the interest in my project. Today is the 15 Floréal CCXXX, and in the Arsenal in Munich we enter in the last phase to rise up the frames !
  9. 1 Floréal CCXXX. New month and a short update about the rising of the frames.
  10. The dry-fittig of the frames is finished. Now i removed all the frames and i have to plug in the bolts.
  11. Thank you all for the comments and all the likes ! Nothing new, but a nice angle of view.
  12. Le Redoutable 1/48: First assembly. Quick and dirty to test the results from the last 6 months.
  13. We will see. If its not fits, my own plan is a ..... 😁 But agree completly, @druxey . But the bow or the stern, in a practical build, is alway more stable then the rest. The area to the last frame is here the point, for example. To get the right connection to the hull. There are material on the timber for the final shape.
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