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  1. Been awhile since I posted anything with this build ,it's still going but it's on the backburner for now! After the issues I had earlier in the year got sorted I was going to restart but in July my Father passed away suddenly ,(he had an aortic aneurysm in his abdomen ,we knew it would happen but no idea when!) On top of this my Father in Law is now on end of life care because of cancer ,he's comfortable but it's only a matter of days now - my boys are are so cut up about it ,their going to lose both their grandfathers within 4 months or so of each other. I just can't really concentrate on big things like this at the moment ,I may restart this year or maybe wait to next year but I will restart! Richard
  2. I have one of these ,(the earlier version Anda Seat AD12XL-03 Gaming Chair XL) ,but it's the same chair - It's on the expensive side but I've got a shot spine and on the larger size so it was worth the investment! It's my computer chair and modelling chair in one seeing i do my modelling at my computer desk😎 ,and it has got to be one one of the most comfortable chairs ive ever owned ,(fallen asleep a few times in it😏🤣) ,5 years and the only thing wrong is a small split on the front of the seat! https://www.andaseat.ca/products/dark-knight-gaming-chair
  3. I haven't done much on the kit for the last month or so ,had a major depressive episode then coming up from that I got hit with covid,(Nearly 5 years and multiple family and extended family getting it and not a thing for me and my sons then boom😒 I've slowly got back to it ,I've finished the inner planking for the gundeck and adding the stanchions on the orlop supporting the gundeck! ,next is some medical hammocks and various stowage on the orlop then it's onto the gundeck. Richard
  4. Iron work on the hanging knees in the orlop is done ,I ended up just painting them! , and the 1st gunport is in - the tolerances with this kit are so fine you could fit the gunport's in place without glue and they wouldn't move. Richard
  5. Had a slight technical error with blackening the photoetch for the iron straps on the hanging knee's in the orlop ,not sure if it was how i cleaned them with just soap and water ,or if I left them in the solution too long or not long enough ,they looked ok when pulled them out but the blackening started flaking off when I put them in water to rinse. Might scrub them then reclean them but add acetone after the soap and water clean ,(only used soap and water to wash them ,when I did the guns on my pegasus I cleaned them with acetone as well) ,or I may just prime and paint instead. Gundeck frames are installed ,next is the iron straps and hammock battens and the first gunports get installed in the frame. @allanyed I managed to find 1 picture of Victory's upper well and it's louvered!,as I'm a pretty mediocre modeler at best i dont think I'd be able to do it right! ,but i think this model would be a good base for someone to super detail it if they chose. Richard
  6. Nice diorama ,and not bad for your 1st try at armour models👍 Richard
  7. Been working on the orlop ,after the issues I had making the pump and mast holes in the upper well everything else went according to plan! Hanging Knees need their iron work added ,gotta find my brass black for that. The deck beams for the gundeck are built off model then glued in place which makes life a bit easier. Richard
  8. Thanks Allan ,I haven't been able to find much for the upper well. I'm happy you wont be able to see much once the pumps are in place and it's all closed up because it's a bit of a kludge in there. Richard
  9. Love the picture of the Rifle Men ,great scene with The Rifles doing what they did best and skirmishing the French! Window view looks good too. Richard
  10. Orlop planked ,then operator error occured - cutting the holes in the orlop well housing gave me issues ,there's no support under the planks other than at the ends and if you dont glue the planks edge to edge as well as the ends they will break as your cutting! I've added a piece underneath which connects all the planks ,replaced the broken planks and re cut the holes ,the decks hidden once I add the well housing but it's something that can catch you out😕 Richard
  11. OC have you see "Napoleon's army 1807 - 1814 as depicted in the prints of Aaron Martinet" by Guy C. Dempsey jr? ,(the titles a mouthful😄) It's the prints done by Aaron Martinet ,the prints were hand painted and show's pretty much every unit in the French army from Napoleon down through the Marshall's ,the guards ,line units, Cavalry etc, up to Waterloo! Probably too late to help now😎😄 ,but depending how deep down the Napoleonic rabbit hole you are it's a great reference And it's pretty cool just to browse through it! https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/title/napoleon's-army-1807-1814-as-depicted-in-the-prints-of-aaron-martinet/author/dempsey-guy-c-jr/ Richard
  12. @CDW I haven't checked Andy's for ages ,I do have the Tamiya 1/16 Panzer Officer for scale though. @chadwijm6 I had build logs for the T34/85 and the PzIV-J but I cannot remember where.. I might do a build highlights thread for them sometime! Richard
  13. Was going to apologize for the slight history hijack of your build thread😎😄 Ironically I'm doing a Battle of Berlin theme for my 1/16 armour models ,the T34/85 1944 I shared pictures of is 55th guards brigade Berlin 1945 ,I'm in the middle of building a Panzer IV J late based around some photo's i've found ,after that the plans for a tiger 1 ,tiger 2 and a Panther G late with IR - all in 1/16 ,next thing is to find somewhere to display them ,i'm already out of room with 2🤣 Richard
  14. schwere ss panzer abetilung 503 ,the links in my post show 2 koneigstigers from ss503 ,it was schwere ss panzer abetilung 103 but the unit was redesignated 503 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/103rd_SS_Heavy_Panzer_Battalion Richard
  15. There are a few photo's of koniegstiger's in berlin but they are Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 503 ,so im thinking they've been confused with the heer Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503 there's no real clear images of the camouflage they had though https://www.worldwarphotos.info/gallery/germany/tanks-2-3/tiger2/kingtiger-somewhere-in-berlin-april-1945/ https://www.worldwarphotos.info/gallery/germany/tanks-2-3/tiger2/tiger-2-tank-6/ Richard
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