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    Russia, Moscow
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    Sailing ships of the 16th and 17th centuries.

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  1. A year has passed. Had been ill with COVID-19, went to work. Now I can tackle the galleon model again. As a result of the assembly of the first hull, I modified and strengthened the structure, and did something anew. Now I am assembling the second building in which all these changes have been taken into account. Precision build priorities, so a lot of minor tweaks. I will use the first hull to choose the color of the galleon. The final stage will be the assembly of the third, test hull. Photo at the stage of correction of the primary skin.
  2. Hi Patrick, It is believed that grating was already used on Mary Rose. In the second half of the 16th century, this can be said with confidence. Followed your example and renamed your own theme. P.S. Perhaps this link will help with the rigging of Golden Hind: https://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73413&start=885
  3. More and more convinced that a ship of this type was already a galleon. Therefore, I think that the name of the topic should be changed. Spanish galleon 16th by ApxeoS - 1:60 - from 3D project to ship model. So it will be more correct.
  4. Wonderful work, Patrick. Very lively captain's cabin. If I remember correctly, weapons were stored in it. I want to recommend you one topic on rigging Pelican / Golden Hind, but I'm not sure that the administration allows links to extraneous sites. Are you also a tankman? Ron
  5. Thank you to everyone who followed my project for your comments! I congratulate everyone on Christmas and New Year, I wish you health and well-being in the coming year! Ron
  6. I am also sure that ships of this type were represented in the great Armada of 1588. There are quite a few drawings that show this. Below is N.S. Rosario and San Salvador in 1588.
  7. Thanks Patrick! I think manufacturers of KIT models are not in vain avoiding such a solution and I may have problems with rigging the fore mast. But the fact that many ships of the second half of the 16th century had the fore mast in front of the fore castle is beyond my doubt.
  8. Established in place the channel board, anchor hawse and ladders on the main deck.
  9. I made the manhole grilles (Is this right?) For the upper decks using different technologies. Simple, laser-cut as a whole, as they already stand on the lower decks. Prefabricated, as usual, are in KIT sets, but also cut with a laser. Each has its own drawbacks and strengths.
  10. Total gun-carriage 3 types: - classic two-wheeled spanish - light two-wheeled gun-carriage according to the type of carriages from the Swedish Mars - two-wheeled gun-carriage of a more powerful design (see above)
  11. He made another type of cannon carriages for more powerful cannons on the waist. Below is their prototype.
  12. I also do not understand this. It is also very strange that the chainwales are fixed at different heights. I do not see the reason for this decision.
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