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  1. Hello! All sails are on their place. Step by step go to finish In reality it's beautiful, really great. On photo looks not so good. But I really like it
  2. Hello! Rigging is really hard work It was just one clove hitch. I roughly counted and got about 900-1000 such hitches on my model.
  3. Hello all! Here is my current state, I've finished masting and stated rigging. 110 of 120 are built.
  4. Hello! I continue building Bounty, work on masting. Some photos with my progress since last time: Ancors are finished Boat is finished: Work on masts mostly Best regards!
  5. Hello! Some updates in photos Binnacle and building which instruction called flag box Pumps, plumbs and cargo Deadeyes and chains. That was difficult, 36 chains in total, I've made 22, still work on it Started building a boat. It should be one planking layer, but I could not do it good enough, so I puttyed it and started second planking And one more view with stove chimney That's all for now, almost 90 of 120 magazine numbers are behind
  6. Hello! Looks like I finished work on hull Added some decoration, rudder And some deck staff
  7. Looked at my own hatch photo and now I can see, that rings are not ideal. Some of them are really good, but not all. I will redo several to make ideal circle.
  8. Hello! Deck hatch is done. This one from instruction And this is mine I've made 8 thinner planks instead of 6 thick. And made smaller rings. Almost done the hull, in few days I'll remove glue, paint and varnish it and go next
  9. Some updates. Last month I worked on second plank layer and did a lot of sanding, painting and sanding again. Some photos: It was the most boring stage, so one week I had a rest and built plastic 1/72 Corsair And again sanding and painting Last painting and currently my Bounty looks like this
  10. Planking is finished started sanding, it will take some time for sure
  11. Parcel with some interesting has arrived. Some of it I used. Now I'm waiting for another one with drill/grinder, after getting it I will sand planking, by hands it's going to be very long process.
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