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Marco Silva

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About Marco Silva

  • Birthday 09/18/1976

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  1. I have already contacted them but no answer so far... guess I'm on my own!
  2. Yes, there are no drawings, only a booklet with photos of the kit and some instructions. The strange configuration near the keel I was talking about was an optical illusion due to the different wood colors...
  3. Hi, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I've acquired a ship kit of a Spanish galleon and I can't find any information about the ship. From what I have searched the kit is based on the plans of Vincenzo Lusci - Galeone Spagnolo 1607, but I can't find the original plans and the kit doesn't have any plans. I have almost no experience in wooden ship models, but I'd like to have at least some historic base to give me a direction. This is the kit: https://www.disarmodel.com/nivel-4/27-san-luis-galeon-espanol-del-s-xvii-8436552881446.html Thank you very much for your help
  4. Thank you all for welcoming so well in this forum, as soon as I receive the galleon kit I will start a building log.
  5. Hi, my name is Marco and I live in the Azores. I'm 43 and have no experience in this area... but that is about to change soon! I've ordered a kit from Talhoer - Disarmodels and against all advices the model I've choosen is the spanish galeon San Luis. https://www.disarmodel.com/nivel-4/27-san-luis-galeon-espanol-del-s-xvii-8436552881446.html I know this might sound like I'm bitting more than I can chew but I'm sure that with lots of patience and the help of this forum I will be able to complete it. If anyone has any experience with this specific model or other similar ships I will appreciate your help. Thank you all and happy modelling!
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