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Everything posted by Jorge_Goncalves

  1. The last few months have mostly been spent building all the cannons. Here are some step-by-step. Preparation for painting Primer applied: Red by Occre: Black Mate by Vallejo: Dry brushing with Gold by Vallejo: Done! Homemade rope: The rudder has also been made and placed in its final position. This is the current state of L'Ambitieux:
  2. Hi, I've only just discovered this thread... excellent buid!!👍 I'm also building L'Ambitieux (I have the build thread here on the forum), but the level of perfection is quite far from this. 😀 In Portugal, who's selling this kit is Deagostini.
  3. Hi It's been a while since I've updated this thread. In order not to delay further, I show you some photos with the most recent works. In the next few weeks I will finish putting up the decorations and start preparing the cannons.
  4. The last few weeks were productive: gunports framed and painted red, channel boards and catheads built and glued, some paintings (blue and black), etc. The best is to show the pictures. 🙂
  5. Hi Allan, Thank you for your comments! In fact, I've been more concerned with getting the job done right according to instructions than looking at the real ship. After seeing your comments, I did some research and realized that the way I am representing L'Ambitieux is probably not the most historically correct. I will look into future steps to be more careful and correct what I can, knowing that my skills can be a limitation as well 🙄
  6. Hello everyone, In the last few weeks, my productivity on the bench has been low, but some things have been done, mainly in the bow. I'm completing the lining anchor as well. The next steps should be the gunports framing and paint the hull. That's it! 🙂
  7. Hi, I just bought the Syren Rope Rocket and now I need the threads. Any recommendations where I can buy Gutermann Mara in Europe (EU)? I've been looking at Williamgee.co.uk, but the postage is prohibitive...
  8. Hi In the last two weeks I worked on the ship and also on side jobs like boats, anchors, ladders etc (some not finished yet). This kit has many metal parts that need to be weathered and in some cases painted as well. Below, I show the first pieces I made. Original: Weathered with Betumen of Judea: Painted with Vallejo Royal Blue: Other pieces I've worked on as well: Parts placed on the ship: Current status: That's it for today
  9. Hello everyone, Happy new year!! A few days of vacation during the holiday season allowed to progress on this build. The 2nd planking was completed: Some more developments: It was a productive month 🙂
  10. Hi everyone, I take this opportunity to update the build log. Working on 2nd planking: A few more paintings on the deck and placed the gratings in their final location:
  11. Thank you Tim. The deck was stained with bitumen of judea diluted in turpentine. I like the effect too.
  12. This is my second ship build (after NRP Sagres). I started in the middle of summer and I went to the 50th issue where I finished the first planking. Unfortunately, I don't have photos of the beginning, so I'll put some photos of the current state below. I promise to update whenever I make progress in construction. Ready to start first planking… First planking completed Deck stained with bitumen of judea After sanding With the bulwarks painted red And that's it for now!
  13. Hi everyone, "The L'Ambitieux was a First Rank three-decker ship of the line of the French Royal Navy. She was armed with 92 guns, comprising twenty-eight 36-pounder guns on the lower deck, twenty-eight 18-pounder guns on the middle deck, and twenty-six 8-pounder guns on the upper deck, with ten 6-pounder guns on the quarterdeck. Designed and built by Honoré Malet, she was begun at Rochefort Dockyard in July 1691 and launched on December of the same year. On completion in April 1692, she joined the Ponant fleet and took part in the Battle of Barfleur on 29 May 1692. Following that action, she was destroyed by an English attack at La Hougue in June 1692." From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ship_Ambitieux_(1691)> This kit by Altaya/De Agostini is so far only available in France and Portugal. It was released in 140 weekly issues consisting of kit parts plus a publication with detailed instructions and some articles about ships. According to the manufacturer's indication, the scale is 1:59 and the final measurements of the model are: length - 97cm; height - 88cm; width - 42cm I hope it looks like this in the end…
  14. Hi, I've already created an album in the gallery with the final photos of NRP Sagres. Build log for L'Ambitieux coming soon 🙂 Thank you @Thistle17 for the reference. Carlos is effectively a great master in this art, I know his work but I don't know him personally.
  15. Thank you all.👍 In the next few days I will show NRP Sagres.
  16. Olá Daniel 😉 Nice start! I also followed the construction of Polaris and the end result was excellent! This one goes the same way
  17. Hi everyone, My name is Jorge, I'm 47 years old and I'm from Portugal. I built some cardboard models (mainly trucks and buildings), but I always wanted to build the most emblematic ship of the Portuguese navy: NRP Sagres. About 10 years ago I bought this ship from Deagostini (collection of 120 issues), but only in 2020 did I have the courage to build it. It took about a year and a half into the pandemic period. If interested, I can create a topic in the gallery to put some photos of the final result (unfortunately I don't have photos during construction). I'm a regular user of the forum (anonymously) and I have learned a lot and been surprised by the quality of work that many members present. Currently, I'm building L'Ambitieux, another DeAgostini ship, and I'm going to open a thread.
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