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Everything posted by joep4567

  1. I was thinking about the speaking tube and bridle as well. I just don't want to get too much clutter and lose the impression of scale if you know what I mean.
  2. Eric I was thinking, in addition to the door and windows, that a stove and bench would be in order. What's your opinion?
  3. I got the steering wheel assembly glued and painted.
  4. I'm getting some more done on the Pilothouse. I'm building this in the same manner that I believe the original was.
  5. I got the breast boards for the pilot house painted and I'm building the wheel.
  6. I'm getting some more done on the Pilothouse. I'm building this in the same manner that I believe the original was.
  7. I got some painting done on the pilot house today
  8. I'm getting some more done on the Pilothouse. I'm building this in the same manner that I believe the original was.
  9. Allen the engines and boiler were made of a combination of wood and styrene and just painted semigloss black with a little Testors dull coat. The deck planking is mahogany colored with a little burnt sienna and given a little teak oil. I'm starting on the wheel house next.
  10. your hull looks very realistic to me. All your efforts in overcoming problems seems to be paying off!
  11. I got some more done on the Texas cabin - it still needs the roof trim and support stanchions.
  12. I started working on the Texas cabin - some compound curves to make with it. I think I'm getting it to look correct.
  13. I got the hurricane deck supports finished and installed.
  14. I decided to cover the hurricane deck with some fabric so it would have some texture which I did. I sealed the fabric down with diluted pva glue and painted it a couple coats the waterbased paint . I think the texture looks approximately in scale. I've started on the transom lights also( I'm not sure of the nomenclature).
  15. Thanks Eric. I've been working on the hurricane deck and to that end i've got the chimney stacks done and painted and i've built a formal walnut staircase. i'll start the support stanchions next.
  16. I got the pieces fit to be the base for the hurricane deck and have them temporarily attached.
  17. Yep I flubbed my dub so I had to make a correction (see photo).
  18. I got the main cabin/doors/windows done and painted so it is on to the hurricane deck next.
  19. Well I've been getting some more done on the walls and doors for the boiler deck cabin. Ive all the doors done and most of the walls but a lot of painting and assembly yet to go.
  20. jmiba I just finished a quick look at your website and I must say what you have done is very impressive and I'm sure I'm going to be returning to it often as it has to be the best reference I have to date! I wish I could work with a computer as you have done.
  21. You bet I will! The above photo is great and I wish I had seen it earlier in the build. I started working on the boiler deck doors. I made a jig to build them of styrene in. One complete piece forms the door itself and narrower strips of the same thickness the rails and stiles. The third center stile I used piano wire as it looked best more narrow than the outside rails.
  22. Well, I'm taking a lot of liberties and not doing all that much research but you are making me think a different approach on another build (ie strive for historical accuracy) might be fun. Thanks for your input.
  23. Thanks a lot for posting the photo as I haven't come across it before. Well the possibilities are great and I'm sure these boats got remodeled with use just like the same racecar gets painted with different liveries. Anyway I'm just trying to build a boat that might have existed at the time and not anyone in particular. Thanks again!
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